Help: Hi folks a bad few days sleeping... - British Liver Trust

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Foxman555 profile image
72 Replies

Hi folks a bad few days sleeping rough and drinking cheap cider but my daughter is letting me stay there again, I can't let her down again I've got to be stronger, she has given me another chance truly thankful.

Regards Jeff

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Foxman555 profile image
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72 Replies
Couch1 profile image

You know what you need to do. Keep your eye on the prize! Done it before, you can do it now. Millions have. So can you- you know you feel, look and *think* sooooo much better/positively when you take care of yourself. 🐣

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Couch1

Thank you, your right my daughter letting me stay again is amazing, I've not been very good to be with, but I'll definitely be the person I should be, without alcohol people say your great to be with, but alcohol is a toxin and I need to be strong and beat it.

Regards Jeff

Couch1 profile image
Couch1 in reply to Foxman555

Show your amazing daughter how great you are to be with again. You have the strength, sounds like you you're headed in the right direction.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Couch1

Thank you

Jeff, I'm sorry to hear about your laps. This journey isn't going to be easy, but I still have confidence that you can do this. Did you ever use to smoke cigarettes Jeff?

Anyone who's ever had an addiction should know just how hard it is. Alcohol is one of the hardest addictions to quit. Do you drive at all Jeff? The reason I ask this is that there is a treatment out there that makes you violently sick if you drink alcohol. But you have to tell the DVLA if you was to seek to this kind of treatment. Your GP will be able to advice you.

Don't give up mate. Climb back on that wagon and keep on going. Besides, that cheap cider has never come across or seen an apple. It's just a bottle full of alcohol induced flavoured water. It's galloping gut rot. It'll drive you insane. But then you know all this.

You've had all the advice, and know exactly all the dangers. The rest is really up to you friend.

Tomorrow is a new day. Wake-up and make the world proud. You can beat this.

dizti profile image


You can do it! You have soo much to live !! Not sure if this is of any help but how about discovering new things to drink like grape fruit squash or herbal teas? Ok so it may perhaps not sound that exciting but with a few different flavored squashes or herbal teas you can make different blends and flavors each night and make it a bit of fun. Maybe you can share with us what your special combination is? xx

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to dizti

I'm diabetic, I like seven up zero, the majority of the time restaurant's and pubs don't cater for you, so it's cup of tea, this may sound weird but walking into an off licence looking at the wines and beers and just walking out with no alcohol helps, I think it's because I've taken ownership of what s happened, ain't no good for the people that own it, but it's my challenge

in reply to Foxman555

Why walk in in the first place. There's something still not right yet Jeff

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

Don t understand what is not right, I've gone 8 days without a drink which will turn Into 8 weeks then 8 month's and etc, I go to restaurants to eat, a night out, most pubs do decent meals now, or do I have to subject myself to maccy D's, hmm NO, it maybe yourselves that have difficulty seeing alcohol and that temptation, not me.

in reply to Foxman555

Jeff, I'm just trying to advice and help, please don't get me wrong. I personally don't have an issue with alcohol either with myself or others. I've not had a drink for nearly 5 years, and it's no longer an issue with me. I can pour my wife a glass of wine, or whiskey without a second thought.

It's just like any form of addiction when someones trying to quit. Your avoid going into situations where you might be tempted. Trying to avoid places that fuels a craving is the same for any type of addiction. The person with a gambling habit isn't going to walk into a pub and go and sit next to the fruit machine. The cocaine addict isn't going to keep in close contact with the same users as they used to or keep the phone numbers of their suppliers. They all have to do all they can to avoid temptation, especially in the first few weeks, and months until their resolve becomes stronger.

I'm not having ago Jeff, so please don't get me wrong. 8-days is really good, and your determination is great, All I'm saying is to try and avoid those places that are selling the stuff. It's like going shopping in a supermarket. You know where the alcohol aisle is, and you tell yourself that there's nothing down there for you and you avoid it.

Sadly the old fashioned off license has now gone. There now called corner shops, and so I understand how it's hard to avoid alcohol when all you want is a pint of milk.

Giving up isn't easy and some people often slip and fail. This is very frustrating, but sadly does happen. I personally hate talking about slipping and coming off the wagon, as this can instil the wrong perception in those who are trying to give up. They may take the attitude, "Why even both to start, I'm only going to fail". If a slip happens then we start from scratch and start over. So for those out there wanting to go down this road, a more positive frame of mind is required, as it can be done.

I apologise Jeff if my meaning and comments have been lost or have upset you. Keep up the good work.


Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

Richard, I sit in my daughter's house on my own, my daughter likes a glass of wine at the weekend, my son in law likes a beer and vodka, they have got them, I know exactly where they are, my point is I'm not craving or even going to lapse, that drink is theirs, I have no problem with it, I walk by and make myself a cup of tea, I don't crave alcohol, it's just when I don't see a tangible future that I go off on one, my daughter has let me stay here as long as I need to, I'm not going to ruin that, they must have trust in me to leave the booze there, I am not going to touch it, surely that shows I'm not addicted, no craving, just binge when life gets tough, but I'm in a safe secure place where I'm loved, and I reciprocate it.

As always Richard best wishes.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Well said !! You do what is comfortable for you, its 8 days and that's a bloody milestone so well done you ! .. ignore the negative minded and know it alls on here..Best wishes. Linda xx

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Millie09

Thanks Linda xx

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Foxman555

Hi Linda, how are you today ? Xx

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Im not too bad thank you for asking. Bit fed up with my mobility issues but then Rome wasn't built in a day , its one of them . Hurdles to get over before i reach the end .🙄. Can't complain though as others are worse than myself. Hope your doing ok today so far jeff.. keep up the good work xx .. linda

in reply to Foxman555

Yes jeff what the hell are you doing in pubs and off licences anyway? My late husband could never understand how or why I could go to the pub with him and drink fruit juices, water or tea..... which one if us is still alive though eh ?

Keep away from temptation you're not doing yourself any favours.

Nyork10 profile image

I think restaurants and pubs are a lot better now in terms of non alcoholic drink options - they've had to be when you consider the proportion of the UK that do not drink alcohol and the governments drive to get people to significantly cut down on their alcohol consumption.

In most bars and restaurants there is a non alcoholic part on the menu and some offer mocktails - there are also now a huge variety of iced frappes, teas, milkshakes and goodness knows what else. I think the range of options will only expand and improve so I do disagree that they don't cater for people who don't drink alcohol and/or have a long term health condition such as diabetes. It sounds like a bit of a cop out - if you really do want to change you need to be able to see the options you have if you're out socialising rather than dwelling on the fact you can't drink alcohol.

I've commented a few times on your posts and I was sad to hear that you had relapsed, you need to truly want to beat this and at the moment I'm not sure you do if I'm honest. The gentleman on here has commented about a medication that can be taken which makes you physically ill when combined with alcohol?

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Nyork10

Exactly and excellently put as well.I visit these places and CHOOSE to NOT have alcohol.I feel I have to make a good enough time living on my terminal illness than dying because I'm drunk.Your choice here.your responsibility. Not judging you but I just think that iff your in the place where YOU FULLY INTEND TO STOP.THEN YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING MORE ABOUT IT THAN GIVE A QUITE LAME RESPONSE ABOUT IT NOPT BEING FIT FOR DIABETICS??? BY THE WAY IM A INSULIN DIABETIC TOO , SO IFF I CAN CHOOSE TO LIVE , SO CAN YOU .!!!

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Mandy1983

Well said Mandy1983 .. i thought i was being too harsh on jeff, and by no means was i intending to be but im seeing too many buts and ifs . I wont be getting involved again, sorry Jeff but getting a tiny bit fed up now mate.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983


Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Nyork10

Why is it a cop out, if you have an allergy to Glutton they would have to cater for you, any allergies are catered for, very rarely I can have a sugar free drink, why am in these places ?? I like to go out and have a nice meal, gone are the days when you see a pint and have to get one, I drive so I'm not going to ruin my licence, can't understand what half of you say, I do not want alcohol in my life, but I'm not going to be anti-social and stay in doors all the time.

Regards Jeff

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

I understand what you are saying g .I try going out as much as is possible.i don't find it an excuse to drink .I'm INSULIN DIABETIC and can still enjoy my life.i don't expect anyone to change their ways for me but I understand your saying you want to be catered for.what is actually the issue here? The alcohol, sugar or the temptation to stray? IFF your living back with your daughter because your on a bench for days due to falling off the wagon then you need to STOP AND HELP YOURSELF BY CONTROLLING YOUR DESIRE TO EXCUSE YOU BEING I THESE PLACES.ITS LIKE THIS .YOU CHOOSE TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK AND STOP DRINKING.OR YOU CHOOSE TO WASTE IT AND YOU WILL DIE EARLIER .ITS ONLY YOUR RESPNSIBIKITY .ITS NOT YOUR DAUGHTERS TO PROVIDE A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD OR BE A NURSEMAID TO YOU BECAUSE YOUR DRUNK ( OR ANYONE ELSE) FOR THAT MATTER.YOUR THE GROWN UP HERE So please take control and put yourself into places that can help you recover.whilst your in denial no one can help you.Your choice..I also mean this in the most inoffensive way possible to you an everyone.Only you CANDO IT AND MAKE A CHOICE AVOUT YOUR WORLDL XX

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

I've made my mind up, I'm not going to drink again, I don't need anybody to nurse me, I'm fine, my daughter would not have me in her house if I turned up drunk which is never going to happen, I can do this, got an appointment at turning point next Tuesday, this whole notion where we don't put ourselves in places where alcohol could tempt us, well just look around you, 3 pubs in one street where I live, 2 off licence, and supermarkets, I'm not that feeble that I have to go in and drink because it's advertised or it's where I live with all the places where you can buy drink, I'm not in denial, I know exactly what I'm doing and it doesn't involve alcohol, there seems to be a concept that I'm not doing the right thing, time will tell, but I can assure you it won't be me with my hands around my face, you all seem to think I'm going to fail, I'm waiting to see whose going to pick my words and tell me I'm doing wrong, because the simple truth is I'm not going to touch alcohol again got to much to live for.

Regards Jeff

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

I really hope an wish for your recovery jeff .Hand on heart. Faint heart never won nothing but determination can do anything .no one wants you to prove them wrong as we all want you to succeed I'm sure .your right Time will show your determination. Be well xx

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

Hi Mandy, sometimes I feel I'm being judged, I have to make sure my words are correct, I'm so determined to prove not just on this forum but to my family, it seems everybody expect me to fail, but it's not going to happen, 2 reasons, I want to see my children, well young adults grow and flourish in society, and I have a decompensated liver, if I drink again it might be the last drink I ever have, don't want pity, sympathy, I really don't mind people questioning my desire to stop, it's not easy, but I can be very stubborn, and I know that I don't want alcohol in my life.

Take care xx

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

Well I'm sure with that said you know already how strong you are .so your on your way to new beginnings to see your kids grow up.i sadly won't get the chance as I'm in final stage 4 through prescription drugs. All the same our willpower must overdo.e our desire to NOT GIVE UP..HOW Old are your kids ? My grandchildren are 3 an 8 weeks x

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

I'm so sorry Mandy, there are no words that can help, I'll be thinking about you, you try and get the most out of your life, I'm in tears, what a cruel world, my children are 24,23,21,18,15, and 2 grandchildren 4 and 2,

Take care xx

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

It's ok I've drove myself mad in the last few years stressing being angry ,pained,suicidal,tucked up, ya know what I mean? My daughter's 36 an I don't want to not being hard either or judgemental ,IFF I CAN give you the courage to help yourself by telling you how I've been murdered an they got

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

I used to be a counsellor, and I know we're supposed to be aloof, but I couldn't do that, if my client was really upset, so was I, you have to be genuine, if not people find out very quickly, would have been nice chatting with you, but not the right format, be strong Mandy xx

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

Thank you z

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

A sugar free drink, you have a glass of lemonade and check sugars after, yes I do expect to be catered for, all allergies are, why not diabetics, I've cut down so much on carbs, what do I get to replace it, bit of salad, or some veg that's been boiled to death

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

I'm on the same page there .liver failure, diabetic INSULIN and allergies in fact you touch on a lot here .neuropathy an r.a.oa.opa.chrohns colitis and many more ,makes you all feel inhumane. The battle we have to get past all these yet we can do this.Then it's lets try n live a normal life .phh yes i know jeff.Thars why we need strength

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

Your courage is amazing, if you leave a legacy it will be to inspire people xx

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

That's exactly what I want to do.Help you an everyone and save them from this awful trap of humanity like you I don't want pity just revenge on those who have killed me ,keeping me on drugs they knew were killing me.i want everyone to be treated well ,with respect,Love and care,no one should be left without treatment or organs .I want to be treated but they are leaving me to die.They say I can't have anaesthetic or a liver as I'm too I'll an would die.that should be my choice.Not theirs.good will to you SHOW THEM ALL HOW YOU CAN COME OUT THE OTHER AIDE OF THIS.DONT LET THEM WIN.YOUR FAMILY NEED YOU ,YOU NEED YOU.BE KIND TO YOURSELF TOO.ITS THE

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Mandy1983

Only way to beat it

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

You deserve a chance just like anybody, it's our human rights to be treated equally x

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

You too deserve to be heard and Have a life.i wish you well and as I'm a bit weird an do spells I shall have a special "well one" to your health and safety and security, strength. I wish you well my friend 😁😘

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

Thanks Mandy, you take good care, give your grandchildren a big hug everyday x

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

You too foxman555 here to chat anytime.ill be your wingman LOL x

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Mandy1983

I need one lol xx

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555


Jeff you need residential rehab !!


a1244 profile image
a1244 in reply to

I totally agree...... It has gone beyond self help...

When trying to quit, always try to avoid putting yourself in situations were temptation lurks. It will take time to build up your resolve and be able to control that demon that sits on your shoulder tempting you. (Go on, you know you want to. Just one that wont hurt. Etc) Try using a supermarket and avoiding the alcohol Isle. Tell yourself that there is no reason for you to go over there, there's nothing there for you, only poisonous stuff. DONT go into pubs, it's too soon. Just keep on telling yourself that you just don't drink anymore. That guys left town. Be strong.

vickyvickykk profile image

Jeff, you have to break the habit. If you need help to order your thoughts you need to join a support group or go into rehab. A drastic situation needs drastic steps. This is the fight for your life, your addiction is the enemy, it's you against it. Love yourself, win this fight for you and no one else. You can do this! Sending you loads of good wishes.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to vickyvickykk

Thanks small steps I've not had a drink for 2 days, I was in hospital and the doc said all my obs were fine, I said have you done an lft, he said yes and it was normal, I have cirrhosis how can it be normal???

Thanks Jeff x

Chelle_ profile image
Chelle_ in reply to Foxman555

I have Cirrhosis I have normal LFT’s. I am not nor have I ever been an alcoholic. Your liver doesn’t need drunk to get damaged! But I knew from the moment of finding out I had Liver disease I either lived or died. I never touched alcohol since. Never will! I chose to live! I chose to watch my family grow up to see my daughter have children! That’s my choice. I know addiction is very different but if you want to live then your find away! Your daughter should be enough of a reason to stop! Just because your results are fine doesn’t mean your not killing yourself! You don’t want to be waiting for a transplant like me!

All the best!

Millie09 profile image

Totally agree with chelle, as i have said to you Jeff and others on here, just because your liver function tests are good does not give you "permission "to even think of continuing to drink alcohol. You were doing great! So what happened so bad that you picked that awful stuff again and shoved it down your neck? ..yes i am no saint and yes i relapsed when dad passed but i had all sort of therapy and cbt for over 2 yrs as its not just about stopping the drink its learning to cope with situations that can trigger relapses. I know one thing and that's the smile on my grandchildrens faces and the cheeky giggle of my young grandson is way more than enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Millie09

I'm not saying my liver function was great, I was in hospital after continued collapsing, alcohol and diabetes do not go well together, the doc said to me my obs were fine, I said even the lft he said Yes, I didn't believe a word he was saying, he just wanted me out, the bloke in the bed next to me had a scratch on his arm, but according to this doc it was inflamed and needed dressing twice a day, I knew my liver wasn't good, so please don't think I thought that was an opportunity for me to drink, I haven't touched one since,I believe this doc had no time for people like me, of course it's all self inflicted or is it an illness ?? He couldn't wait for me to get out, as for going into places where alcohol is served I drive so under no circumstances will I drink, I think that the way I'm doing it by confronting this poison and being able to say nah not today not tomorrow not again, I'm not in denial, I'm facing my demons, and when I walk away I've won that contest, now to win the war, thanks for all of your concern and also comments I do appreciate them all x

Mandy1983 profile image
Mandy1983 in reply to Foxman555

Keep on this track an your sorted , you'll get your life back .Your willpower will guide you on the road to success x

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Alcohol does not go with anything jeff, just concentrate on your recovery and nothing else. Good luck x

Hi Jeff, glad to hear your takings these baby steps day by day. I just won'ted to point out the correlationship between liver disease and diabetes. Controlling the amount of sugar within the body is just one of the 500 tasks the liver caries out. There are a number of genes around the body called the CRTC2 gene, this is also referred to as the switch gene. This gene tells the liver when to add more sugar into the blood stream, or when to stop adding it when there's enough. It's like when all of a sudden you run to catch a bus, your muscles need more sugar to burn as fuel. It is believed that insulin is the key that tells the liver when to dump more sugar, or when to switch off.

As the liver becomes more scarred and damaged through cirrhosis, The insulin can't always get through in order to tell the liver to stop dumping sugar. This is then means that the liver has become insulin resistant. Sadly, because the message isn't getting through to the liver, the poor pancreas is having to work overtime in order to get that message to the liver. This can later cause the pancreas to become damaged and the insulin it produces can also be damaged,

Have you been the docs to ask for help with the drinking? I'm sure they could give you help. I'm sorry but I don't know enough to really give advice. I just hope you do better &sort yourself out.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

Yeh he gave me some diaz to help with shakes, was admitted to hospital they don't de-tox they say turning point will organise it, they said they don't it's down to the hospital, and then they wonder why you screw your life up, take care mate, I'll beat this.

Brett11 profile image

My local hospital and turning point did absolutely nothing to help me with a medically controlled safe detox. Utter rubbish. I lived in Dartford at the time. All I was told was “well don’t drink then. Goodbye”. That’s not a safe environment to detox.



Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Brett11

They told me to slowly come off alcohol, ?? I was in hospital because of alcohol problems, I can't slowly cut down, waste of time.

Millie09 profile image

Turning point are useless, they dont have a clue.. im.sure there's other help besides them..i was under Aquarius but they closed last year due to non funding. They were great with me .

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Millie09

That's the problem, they are all having cuts in their funding, turning point did Help, now they keep cancelling appointments.

Best wishes Jeff xx

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to Foxman555

Only a supervised detox helped me. I couldn’t do it alone. The detox itself wasn’t too bad.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Yes i know, i lost my support worker in December last year but looks like im getting a new one aa my therapist turned up yesterday at long last. Glad they have helped you though, turning point was no use to me . Xx

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Millie09

It's a case of doing it yourself, and if I'm honest I got myself into this mess, I have to get out of it, my doc gave me a few Diazepam, didn't really do anything, but from 4 days I'm up to 6 days, and I don't want to drink, people say when you drink again you lapse, I think I've failed, I do get hard on myself, it's probably what I need.

Take care sweetheart x

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Well, i detoxed in hospital back in 2008 but that's when my liver was faiing , then after my 2 yrs binge post dads passing i did it myself at home with diazepam from my dr and the support from my sister and my daughter and Aquarius counselling, trust me each day that passes with no alcohol you will find the strength to carry on .. well done on on remaining sober!!! 6 days is brilliant. 👏👏👏. Make sure you take in plenty of nutrients. My dr gave me thiamine and b12 extra strong compound. Im still on them now but might ask my gp next week when i see him if i still need them. Don't beat yourself up either, praise yourself for being so very very brave xx keep going. X

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Millie09

Hi Millie, my doc has put me on Thiamine and strong vitamin B compound, I also at turning point had 3 injections of vitamins, when I was in hospital the dr said all my obs were fine, plus my liver tests were good, I asked him how ?? I had at least 3 bottles of wine and cider, they tested my Bilirubin levels, which would have been off the scales, don't know if I'm right but they should test my Gamma gt levels?? Thanks Millie, it's people like you that inspire me, and realise I can't touch alcohol anymore.

Best wishes Jeff xx

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Oh thats great jeff! .yes i was on a drip for vitamins in hospital, so very similar to what i went thought myself. It did take me a good couple of weeks to actually start to feel good so dont rush it. You should have had a full LFT done which includes GGT, AFT, ALP, enzymes, kidney function etc.. maybe they did but never told you the result as it was not that bad, you can always ask them, i know i do lol, oh dont be daft Jeff.. i totally understand how the detox process works, im an old hand at that now. 😂. Anytime you feel like you may be slipping just message me... best wishes. Linda x

Aww mate I hope you can hang on in there. We are all fighting some monkey on our bks. If life was easy we'd tell it to jog on but we can't. Keep the faith one day at a time & hopefully the grip will losen.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

Thanks mate, just taking one day at a time, just don't want to fall into the trap where I just lose my grip and go on a binge, it will be my last one.

Keep it up honey .... been thinking about you xx

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

Almost failed again, but at turning point, there's a 20 minute period of wanting drink, if you get through that, your cravings should go, not sure if that's scientific but I've tried and it seems to work, I'm sticking to this, ain't No way I'm going back, are you ok ? Xx

Whatever your method doesn't matter. If it works for you do it. All the luck and praise in the world Jeff. We are all good thankyou x

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

I feel like I'm just getting to know you all, and my heart goes out to you for losing your husband, it's a tough battle, but stopping has to be inside your mind constantly, we all have setbacks, and as an ex drinker and I mean this, I want to see my family being proud of me, not the dodgy bloke who always comes round drunk looking for somewhere to sleep, that's my aim, and you all contribute to me doing this, and I hope in time I can say I beat it so you can.

Best wishes Jeff xx

I'm sure you'll get there this time. Keep those thoughts in your mind x

Foxman555 profile image

Thanks x

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