Hi everyone,
I would really like some advice ... In January I had routine blood tests prior to having a laparoscopy which showed elevated liver enzymes. These levels were tested again and it showed they were getting higher so I was told to stop taking all painkillers (I was taking a number of them due to having Endometriosis). I was retested and it showed the levels were coming down. An ultrasound scan showed I have diffuse infiltration of the liver with a thickened wall on my gallbladder (4cm). Everything else was clear/ normal. A previous GP put me on 100mg of Sertraline in September which I didn't want to take but she told me would help. Now I want to come off them my GP isn't keen because she doesn't want to change my meds. Apparently 50mg is the lowest dose of Sertraline there is and everything else carries a liver risk warning. I'm currently taking codeine/ paracetamol for Endometriosis pain, a half 50mg tablet of Sertaline every other day and cyclizine for nausea. I went back to my GP two weeks ago but I'm constantly itching (no rash), feel constantly tired, urinating excessively, have arm numbness, feel nauseous and I haven't had a period for 11 weeks. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests - all negative. Blood tests last week showed my liver enzymes are up again. My GP said she is going to test my hormone levels and refer me to a gastroenterologist. I feel like my GP is dithering too much though because she's trying to say that everything is related to stress (missing period, nausea, tiredness) which I know not to be true. I do not drink at all (Ive never been a big drinker in the past either) and I am in the healthy range for BMI, so not overweight.
My questions are:
1.) Has anyone else's periods stopped due to a fatty liver/ liver problems? Is there a link? (My thyroid has been tested and is fine)
2.) Has anyone else had any liver problems caused by taking Sertraline?
3.) Can anyone recommend anything to help with the itching? My GP hasn't given me anything and the itching is driving me mad
4.) Has anyone experienced arm numbness with their liver probs? My left arm keeps going numb (feels like a blood pressure cuff is wrapped around the top of my arm and is gripping it tightly) This feeling comes and goes.
5.) What kind of tests should I be pushing for? How long approx. did you wait for a referral from gastroenterology dept in UK hospital? I've only had blood tests and an ultrasound so far.
6.) What can I expect from my initial visit to see the gastroenterologist?
I'm so sorry for the long post but thank you for taking the time to read it. I have no faith in my doctor but don't want to upset things while she's sorting out my referral. If anyone can give me any help or advice I'd be really grateful - I'd just like to know what to expect or what Im dealing with because my doctor's blasé attitude and lack of help/ information is beginning to drive me nuts!