I was just wondering how long people have waited for a first appointment at hospital. I've been waiting ages and I still haven't had an appointment yet and hospital are claiming there's "nothing on the system yet"
How long did you have to wait for a fi... - British Liver Trust
How long did you have to wait for a first appointment with gastroenterologist in hospital (NHS)?

Hi Alma_matters
What problems did you have when you went to doctor I waited roughly three weeks to see gastroenterolgist on NHS but I was having regular blood tests due to diabetes on a yearly basis, unbeknown to me I was not told I had high liver function test results and my doctor left me nearly three years with it, so I think he hurried the apptiontment through, whatever your symptoms are and you are concerned defiantly go back to your doctor, you are on a good site here there is always someone who will advise you if possible, let us know how you get on all the best ANGSE
How long is a piece of string?
Angse - I've got high and fluctuating liver function levels and a fatty liver. I've chased things up with my doctor's surgery today so hopefully it shouldn't be too much longer that I hear anything. I'm done for a routine appointment so I know this will take a little longer. I don't mind waiting once Ive got the appointment, it's just when you're waiting a while that you start to worry your referral has gotten lost. Three years! That's awful. My partner's doctor didn't tell him for two years that he had diabetes. He only found out because he got really ill and lost loads of wait and they said 'Oh yeah, you're diabetic... We forgot about that!' Crazy! Thanks for your reply, I'll keep you updated x
Scruffycat - I could've worked that much out for myself lol. I'm just wondering what everyone's experiences were regarding waiting times so I could've got myself an average figure. I'm starting to get worried because I have other health issues which may or may not be linked so can only move to the next stage with those once Ive got a clearer picture about my liver and that means an appointment with gastro. Sorry if you thought it was a stupid question.
I think its anything up to 18 weeks, see NHS page here nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Right...
but I guess it depends on the number of patients and number of clinics the doctor you have been referred to is seeing. My liver specialist sees thousands of patients, so it can take a while to get slotted in.
I live in London and from referral by my GP to appointment it will have been about 5 weeks. That's for a Hepatologist however.
Edited to say that I heard from the hospital within a week, so I would perhaps chase up the referrals people?
Hi Alma, if the hospital is saying there's nothing on the system then they have received no referral yet. Chase your GP. The GP has to make a referral then you go on a waiting list to see the consultant. Give 'em hell lol. Good luck, Phil
Thanks everyone. I chased my GPs surgery and it sounds like the hospital must've 'lost' it as my referral was faxed 2 weeks ago. They've chased it up with the hospital again so hopefully it shouldn't be too much longer till I get an appointment
Well done, sadly the chasing is what you have to do to keep your file on top of the pile! Good luck and hope you get an appointment soon.
I waited 4 months in Southend Essex
Same happened to me it was a mess. I have my appt tomorrow after 2 months but was supposed to be seen within 7 days from leaving the hospital. I am American so don't know if that makes a difference for availability but I nagged and nagged everyone until they finally got me in to see someone. I think they just wanted to shut me up haha. This is your life and your health - don't rely on nurses to make you a priority and follow through. Check and double check with your primary care doctor and nag, nag, nag! Good luck!
I was told that I was on the non urgent list and it would be 18 weeks for my first appointment!!! This was unacceptable to me as I'm really anxious to find out what has caused my cirrhosis ( I don't drink) and what we're going to do about it.
I rang the appointments dept and being told 18 weeks I asked if he did private consultations. I was told that he did and was offered an appointment with him later that day. He has now referred me for a ct scan on the nhs which will be in about 5 weeks. If I'd waited for the original appointment it would be January next year before I got the ct scan. I believe in the nhs and don't think we should have to pay privately but needs must and I'm glad I went ahead and paid privately.
I was on list for only 21.
4 years since Oops finger jerked in uncommanded mode as it does 🙁 - continuing ....
4 years since probs started then on LIST 3 months ago
first recall after 21 days - donor liver not good enough - devastated - next recall less than 14 days later was I lucky or what. QE hospital Birmingham as well.
Hope its happened by now? Only just seen how old this post is Sorry.