Hii everyone, I would very much like to get some advice on liver cirrhosis diagnosis. It all started four years back. I developed lot of changes in the bowel movements like irritation to dairy, wheat and non vegetarian foods and slowly to processed foods,fruits and spices. The stools are pale and I have started losing skeletal muscles. I was diagnosed for colitis and food allergy. All the tests results were normal except for ANA.
Further investigations were done to rule out autoimmune liver disease as I developed pain in liver area with prominent red blotches in palms. Fibroscan was done and the score was 12.6 kpa. Liver biopsy was also done and it was normal. My rheumatologists feels I have a mild form of mixed connective tissue disorder which needs no treatment. Hepatologists thinks I don't have any problem with the liver as the lfts are normal.
I have almost all the symptoms of a sluggish liver and I take mostly nutritional supplements to maintain an average health. I am totally confined at home as I become completely tired even after a short walk. What I am supposed to do at this stage, I feel I have betrayed myself and my family. At 12.6 kpa ,what symptoms one can expect and How come the LFT's be still normal. Please help me...