Hello, I'm new to this website. I suffer from social anxiety, GAD and agoraphobia. I've had anxiety issues since April 2011. I was on Lustral 50mg during last year, but I came off August. This is when everything took a turn for the worse, and I'm now on Mirtazapine 30mg. I have been on this since October. When I first started, I was seriously sedated and lack of energy. I was house bound for about 2 months because of agoraphobia, and I still have the anxieties that I got from when I tried out Prozac (which DID NOT agree with me).. I have a fear of passing out, especially out of my comfort zone (which is my home) and I get health anxiety too. Things are getting better, I started going back to the gym with my mum about 2 months ago but I'm still very scared to go in to town or out alone. Mirtazapine have helped ease panic attacks, but not so much anixety.. this has been helped with CBT sessions though I still have a long way to go. I have gained weight whilst on Mirtazapine (about a stone and a half) because of an increased appetite and I also get tired very easily. I sleep for about 10 hours, and even still feel tired after I've woken up. It does help me get to sleep (out within 45 mins of taking the tablet) but I'm sleeping too much and finding myself tired during the day and lack of energy. Even so at times that I feel like sleeping whilst I'm standing up. I'm partly scared to go too far of a distance (as I walk) because of the tiredness.
Has anyone else had lack of energy and/or weight gain whilst on this? And if so, have you been able to help it?