Hello everyone,the last couple of months I have been strugglim with severe and I mean severe health anxiety and now most recently sleep anxiety that has caused create insomnia and stress. I was put on mirtazapine 15mg which worked like a treat for my stress and sleep but came off it after a few weeks as I thought I WD be fine on my own,and it was the biggest mistake! Now took again yesterday night which helped me sleep and today but wok up so easily,which didn't used to happen,and took just half an hour ago a half dose in an attempt to make me sleepy again! I'm so stressed and desperate I'm scared I will lose my ability to sleep or that I have don't damage by starting n stopping mirtazapine! I'm so scared I have sfi ,sporadic fatal insomnia,or that I'll drive myself to think I have it so much that I'll never sleep again saw something very traumatasing on utube about a man who recorded himself having it who seemingly passed away and that has caused so much stress the past few days all I think is about sleep and howj can't sleep and how I'll end up like him! Please any advice would be great,currently is 5.37 am here and have been up since 3.00 am crying and stressing out. TIA
Extreme sleep anxiety,fear of SFI ,mirtaza... - Anxiety Support
Extreme sleep anxiety,fear of SFI ,mirtazapi e

Such drugs as mirtazapine work to alter brain chemistry. It's not a light switch, getbettet! My personal experience has shown me anxiety and sleep are not dependent on one another. One can have no sleep and also no anxiety, or great sleep and disabling anxiety.
You need to get back on a regular dose of mirtazapine taken an hour before bed EVERY day. It can take up to three weeks to get back to the place you once were. I'd also suggest taking 50mg of Trazodone with the mirtazapine dose. You may, in the fullness of time, need to up your mirtazapine dose to 30mg or even 45mg.
This may sound too touchy feely, but you should start doing a regular exercise programme. Get that blood moving, not just wear yourself out. Yoga. Can't emphasise enough how crucial yoga asanas, breathing, and relaxation are to this process. Pick a programme you like on YouTube and stick with it, even more than once a day to get yourself into a calm place.
Sounds to me like you're having classic panic attacks. Benzos really, really work--Xanax for sleep, Ativan for panic--but you've never been to hell until you try to drop them. TWO WEEKS MAX, then very occasionally as needed.
SFI is a myth. Gett better! There's love all around you...
Ive never heard of SFI, so i googled it and it comes up is "the automotive after market trade organization" pretty sure thats not what your meaning. Lol. Dearheart, dont believe everything you see on YouTube. I know your scared now, but keep reminding yourself your NOT that dude on utube. Your you. And your going to be fine. Peace, love and light to you. Always
Hey,thank you very much for you response! I don't want to add any other pills to the mix just now as I want to overcome my fears and trauma (from this video and all the information on sfi I wish I never knew)
How do you know sfi is a myth? I really hope it is it scares me to death!!