I have had GAD for years, my main symptoms being dizziness, feeling faint and head pressure all the time. I’ve been on antidepressants for over 20 years but I still get hospital appointments for blood tests, MRI, X-rays, ECG’s etc. as I never feel well. About 18 months ago I started having palpitations and a much noticeable irregular heartbeat but the ECG was fine and I have waited almost a year for my echocardiogram appointment. So I went for that last week and the guy doing the scan told me everything as he was doing it. When he got to looking at the veins he just said “All your problems are because you are dehydrated “. He said my veins were so small that my heart was struggling to pump through them which would cause it to beat harder and irregular. Over the last week I have drunk 4 or 5 glasses of juice every day, also milk, which apparently is better at rehydration because of all the ingredients in it as well. I have not had one episode of palpitations, irregular heartbeat or head pressure and panic and I felt so good today that I walked to the shops. If someone had told me it could be this simple I would have never believed them yet it has been such a different week for me after all those years of feeling so ill 🥰
I hope this will help some of you - Anxiety Support
I hope this will help some of you

Twenty2, I learned the hard way as well in that dehydration was causing
heart palps, head dizziness and just that overall not feeling good.
We can't share this important fact enough, Our Bodies Need Water xx
Was the person doing the scan a radiographer or a consultant? The former aren't supposed to disclose information, although if he was a radiographer his diagnosis has been very helpful. Maybe get it confirmed by your consultant if it was a radiographer.
Good for you to find out and that it had such a simple solution. One of the other overlooked causes or contributors to anxiety/depression is our hormones, thyroid and adrenals so it's best to make sure they are functioning properly.
Hi Reply to Twenty2- I am in total agreement with what Agora1, Jeff 1943, and design guy have said, one thing that really stands out to me is that none of them have mentioned is WHAT YOU DRINK - Milk is good in moderation and in category i.e. Full cream, Pasteurised, semi-skimmed, or skimmed. Full cream should be for special occasions, occasional treats, trifle etc: Pasteurised still too much cream, semi-skimmed I think for adults by far the best. Skimmed is excellent when someone has osteoarthritis. JUICE - any juice whether from concentrate, natural, squash, no added sugar or added sugar should be used with caution! The amount of sugar in natural juice is horrendous, the same if it is from concentrate. From no added sugar is better provided you don't use too much, however the sweetener used may cause muscles and bones some form of pain. Added sugar in squash is also tremendously high, (my husband has Becker's Muscular Dystrophy, and if he has no added sugar, but sweeteners, his muscles ache for days, not quite as painful with added sugar, but that upsets his type 2 diabetes) and it is this sugar that travels your veins leaving deposits that remove the fluid from your body. It is a viscous circle. Tea, coffee, is okay providing not too much sugar, or milk included. I think a recommendation of half a pint of milk a day of pasteurised, three quarters pint of semi-, or one pint skimmed, these amounts all include daily tea/cereal allowance. A fresh orange? Good to eat, juicy, however it is best to eat the whole of the fruit that is inside the peel, that will provide fibre and roughage necessary for regular movements (irregular bowl movements can also cause dizziness and giddiness and more of the symptoms you mention) and you would need a mighty lot of pieces of fruit to get 4 or 5 glasses of juice a day. Much better to try water only based drinks or use perhaps a few drops of fruit essence - but only enough to take off the blandness, or plain sparkling water, which is refreshing. Any or all of the above can start your heart rate going awry. Human bodies were created and the working mechanisms were brought in when there were no additives, before the money men began mucking about with 'e' numbers, and poisoning us with goodness knows what. Even as a child 70 odd years ago we had pretty good food, may not have had a lot, but it was good, full of nutrients, pre- pesticides. I am happy for you that so far you are not feeling quite so ill, but YOU can make it better - hopefully you have a long life ahead of you, you owe it to yourself and your family to be the very best you can be. Today is the first day of the rest of your life - use it well!
I have head dizziness feelings almost all the time. I constantly drink water every day, so I'm not sure what is causing them. My left ear has also felt full for long while now, so it may be related to that. I've seen doctors for it a few times, and it just gets brushed off as sinuses. But it keeps coming back. I'm not really sure what else to do about it

I have had the dizziness for over 30 years and it led to agoraphobia for many years as I was scared to go out feeling so dizzy. I have always had low blood pressure and I was told that was the main problem for causing the dizziness. The consultant I saw said to put extra salt on meals, even though most people are told to cut down on salt and to drink more. It really has worked
Ill look into that. Its literally to the point im afraid to even get out of bed anymore Bc of it