I've dealt with anxiety off and on. This one is just taking a toll on me. It all started after I moved out of the country. Woke up one day with spasms all over my body, that turned into tightness/pain in my chest legs, throat, head, dizziness all over and up and down blood pressure. Went to the doctor and got blood test done and an ecg. All was fine...then the waking up at night with wierd feeling in my chest and as soon as I sit up my heartbeat sky rockets. Then that stops and something as simple as standing up and walking to my kitchen makes my heart rate elevate like crazy (mix that with palpitations). That stops and I start to feel like things are getting better... Only for my heart to feel like it skips a beat and then skyrockets (randomly throughout the day) even when I don't feel stressed! The other day I sat down because I felt a palpitation and tried to calm myself down and I watched my pulse raise to 150. Rhythm seemed off and all day I felt crazy (palpitations and high heart rate that elevates even more when I move around). Before this I went to a cardiologist and she did an ecg again and a heart x ray. Normal....but this doesnt feel normal...especialyy when I can check my hr and get 80 one second and 110 the next. It makes it soo hard to be a present and enjoyable mom going through this. Always afraid to go out and enjoy the kids (3,5 and 6) always in my head about what I'm feeling. Always worried it's something serious. Always anxious. I've been working on changing my thinking from negative to positive and trying to ignore the symptoms...but there's times I don't know if their setbacks or it's something more serious... help me out here please. Has anyone ever gone through not feeling anxious but have your heart rate do all of this STILL???
Mom of 3, anxiety??heart?? Help! - Anxiety Support
Mom of 3, anxiety??heart?? Help!

I feel the exact same way as you!!my heart wakes me up in the night racing so fast I can barely count the beats!and I’m aware of it all day.that plus constant lightheadedness.its awful.
If you have a minute look at my posts,hopefully that will reassure you that you are not alone!
Yes always, doesn’t help I still worry about my heart even though I’ve had all clear but when I have a different symptom in that area I freak out.
Hi Amiraks
It must be so hard to be going through this when you have 3 young children and as you say should be able to really enjoy parenting them.
Firstly you are doing really well to be coping day to day as a mum when suffering from anxiety.
Have you considered having any therapy or taking antidepressants to support you?
Do discuss the treatment options with your GP.
It may be you do not need them and could instead try different ways to relax such as meditation, mindfulness etc. It could be that you are taking them already or do not wish to take any meds. Excercise is also really good therapy when you get the opportunity. It does not have to be going to the gym. Running around with your children in the park is wonderful therapy as it stimulates the feel good chemicals in the brain and you will know how much fun the children get out if it. You could decide to try to do it everyday after school, then afterwards you can feel proud that you have done it and all have some chill out time together reading, watching television etc with a nice snack before you start the tea and bedtime routine etc.
Usually CBT therapy is very effective and will help you get to the bottom of ways you may be thinking which perpetuate your worries and help you find new ways of thinking so may be worth considering if you have not already done so.
If you are able to not be frightened by your symptoms and fully accept that they are anxiety only and cannot hurt you they will on their own start to disappear. As a mum it is very difficult to make sure you still do the fun things you did with your children but also use support if it is on offer, so that you are able to relax and have time for yourself. Getting over tired is likely to make you feel worse so take the opportunity to rest or do something for yourself when you can and try not worry about household tasks that do not get done. Your children will not suffer if you don't do the cleaning. I do admire you for being able to parent when suffering from anxiety, I developed GAD nearly 2 years ago and am now almost fully recovered. My grown up daughter is a huge support but I cannot think how I would have coped when she was only 3.
Very best wishes to you.
Kim thank you soo much for your advice, kind words and understanding. My husband said he would start walking with me daily (As I'm afraid to alone). I pray this helps. I feel bad that I'm often too afraid to enjoy outdoors with my babies. This has been making me feel soo stagnant. Trapped. I love to hear stories of anxiety success like yours. What an inspiration and something to look forward to.
Thanks a million