Hi everyone quite new to this just wondering if anyone else has the same symptoms?
Starters about 2 months again when a doctor upped my omeprazole to 60mg per day, after a month of taking 60mg per day, my bowels then started to change Instead of once per day or sometimes 2 it went to 4-5 times a day and urinating a lot, I would have pressure and pain below the belly button and pelvis area, so I’ve had blood tests which have all come back normal and two different stool tests that have come back normal. I was told it could be ibs, I have a ultrasound this Friday, if that is clear then they will referee me. One doctor said 60mg is way to much and that probably why it’s all over the place, two months later still the same. I have taken Buscopan which has helped a lot! I am worried this could be cancer my weight was around 9.12 dropped to 9.5 stone has gone back up to 10 then back down too 9.8. Could this just be ibs? When the stool samples came back clear he said it was unlikely to be cancer? Also Buscopan says only to be taken for two weeks? Can I not take anymore and does anyone know how long there effects last?