Health Anxiety. So Since July I have had a Insane anxiety about my stool ever since I had bad rumbling in my stomach. Since that day I’ve been concern about bowel cancer even tho I went to doctor and blood work shown I anemia I got denied a colonoscopy due to no family history and not showing actual symptoms which I don’t see blood nor does my stomach hurt or is sensitive regardless it has not put me at ease due to my stool still not looking the way it should I do try and eat healthy usually oats lots and lots of water maybe to much water. I am Hispanic so lots of rice and beans and chicken I avoid all red meat and processed even tho that was not always the case I tend to focus now on my stomach a lot more due to my anxiety since 2009 and it makes me feel like I have not empty completely but I’m really not to sure. Sorry for the image but does this look normal. I apologize in advance. This tend to be my normal stool ones a day every morning.
Anxiety : Health Anxiety. So Since July I... - Anxiety Support

Yes in regards to health forum I’ve seen worst on here I did apologize. But it’s a health forum.
I often have breakfast while perusing HU. I love checking in with everyone. It's a relaxing way to begin my day.
thankfully I had lunch before I came on.
A good idea to eat first. What next ?
don't go there you could be tempting someone to come up with something more strange lets say.
Again I do apologize and unfortunately this is a health forum in which I’ve seen tons of worst on here. Is not suppose to be a bully campaign with people with anxiety things like the stuff you say is why a lot of us commit stuff on ourselves. I did apologize but to go and call me names is not fare just say hey next time describe what your going thru. To know that you could easily call people with mental issue names just shows the problem with this world I hope you mature a bit because I’m sure what comes out of you is not roses and daisy’s.
maybe stick some mash around it with some veg next time.

Hi Stan The picture, though helpful in understanding your situation, is simply too upsetting for most all people looking at it. For that reason, I have removed it. Definitely a photo to share with your healthcare provide/doctor