I am really in so much of fear and pain - Anxiety Support

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I am really in so much of fear and pain

Aamir147147 profile image
16 Replies

I having suffering from pain from 10 months....

i have had abdominal pain --- headaches --- stomach ache ---chest pain ---

Bit one dissappeared and another came in.. but from past two three weeks i am having stomach aches with lower abdominal pain and even sometimes headaches too ---- i have been constantly suffering from paim ---- no relief .... is this anxiety causing this or something i need to worry about --- even i did my endoscopy couple of months before which was clear ..... mri ct scan of head also clear--- as about my abdominal pain which started first of all.. was daigonosed as ibs by my doctor ---it started with constipation and with dairehea and mucus - which resolved after two months ---- and now showed up after 8 months ... i had just stool test and blood test which was ok -..... so what to do now? Is this anxiety or what

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Aamir147147 profile image
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16 Replies
Jeff1943 profile image

I'm no doctor but reading your symptoms and all the medical tests you've had that found nothing wrong my money is on anxiety.

Anxiety, incidentally, caused by the fear you are generating as mentioned in the headline of your posting. If you go on flooding your nervous system with fear hormones then all these symptoms will continue or at best come and go.

To recover you must move your focus away from the symptoms and direct your attention to the single cause of all your troubles: anxiety. If you can free yourself of anxiety yhen all the symptoms will cease. You are maintaining your netvous system in a constant state of over sensitisation by all that fear hormone you're pumping out. What is there to fear? All the tests show you have no sinister medical problems.

So you hsve two options: go on pumping out the fear hormones and continue as you are or free yourself of the fear and the anxiety in which case you will recover your quiet mind and body.

How do you stop the fear I hear you ask. You will find the answers in wise postings on this forum whereby until now you have just used this forum to list your symptoms and compare symptoms with others, a useless exercise as it doesn't address the most important issue: how to recover from anxiety.

Aamir147147 profile image
Aamir147147 in reply to Jeff1943

How to get rid of this

Titan4757 profile image

Hey Aamir,

I would also put my money on anxiety. I've experienced the same as you for past months. You're right about some symptoms going away and others taking their place. I also have battled stomach issues for past year. Sometimes it was always upset or I would have to run to the bathroom after eating-diarrhea. Now, anxiety gives me constipation every couple weeks or so. I have sensations in my arms, shoulders, jaw-clenching from nervousness, shortness of breath, increase in heart rate, tingling in arms and legs and more. I suggest going to youtube and check out "The anxiety guy." He's helped me along with this forum to understand my health anxiety and begin the recovery process. Stay strong.

Nancyinoc458 profile image
Nancyinoc458 in reply to Titan4757

Very kindly said! Thank you!

Aamir147147 profile image

Should I take on medicine for anxiety

Get a HIDA scan after abdominal UT

Jeff1943 profile image

Aamir, you have had a large number of tests which found nothing wrong physically so I do believe this is all anxiety.

If you find your symptoms overwhelming and interfering significantly on your ability to function then it's well worth considering asking your doctor for medication to bring you some respite. Don't worry about 'addiction' and 'side effects': anxiety about taking anti anxiety meds is just another symptom of anxiety.

But meds won't cure you of anxiety disorder so unless you want to stay on meds fir life you should consider self help methods to bring about recovery.

1. As I said before, no use trying to solve the problem by concentrating on the symptoms you need to concentrate on their common cause: anxiety.

2. Some time in the past you experienced a long period of stress, worry, over work and/or disappointment. This has caused your nervous system to become over sensitised: all your symptoms are caused by this sensitivity of your nerves. If you can identify the cause of this then you must do everything posdible to neutralise it, you must put yourself first and be quite ruthless if necessary.

3. These fake symptoms caused by your nerves are not life threatening, they will not permanently danage you in any way. So although they cause discomfort there is no need to fear them. It is fear and the hormones that fear produces that are keeping your nerves in their over sensitive state.

4. Stop fighting the symptoms, you've been doing that a long time so you should recognise it doesn't help. On the contrary the tension and stress caused by fighting only makes your nerves worse.

5. To recover you need to give your nervous system a rest from constantly being bombarded by fear. To do this you must do the exact opposite of what you've been doing so far. Instead of fighting it you must ACCEPT the symptoms for the time being. You must cease to resist them and let them run their course even though they cause you discomfort. So ACCEPT the symptoms as calmly as you can and without responding with fear knowing full well that all this is only your sensitised nerves playing tricks on you. I have put the word 'accept' in capitals because this method of recovery is based on total and utter acceptance of the symptoms for the moment.

6. By accepting your symptoms calmly and with the minimum of fear you will stop flooding your nerves with the fear hormone and eventually they will recover and all the symptoms will cease.

7. This is not a quick fix instant cure, it will take weeks to recover but recover you will. You spent a lot of time getting yourself into this anxiety state so don't expect to end it overnight. Just keep practicing the Acceptance.

8. To fully understand the Acceptance method for recovery from from anxiety dusirder you need to read a short book written by the person who first discovered the method. It was written 50 years ago so the social background and gender roles have changed since then but this in no way affects the validity of the method. You will soon recognise yourself in its pages.

9. The book was the first one written by Doctor Claire Weekes and is titled 'Self help for your nerves' U.K. edition and 'Hope and help for your nerves' U.S. edition. Available from Amazon either new or used. Check a few of the many hundreds of reader reviews on Amazon: 90% rate it either Very Good or Excellent. It has allowed many thousands of people to recover over the past 50 years.

Aamir, constantly listing your symptoms in postings on this forum is not going to make them disappear. You've been doing that for a long time and it hasn't helped you recover. But with practice and persistance the Acceptance method will give you back your life.

Nancyinoc458 profile image
Nancyinoc458 in reply to Jeff1943

Awesome post! Thanks so much for all of the helpful info, Jeff!

in reply to Jeff1943

This is brilliant advice Jeff and could also have been written for me,the way I am at the moment.Thank you! (and I also have Claire Weekes invaluable book) x

Maxpower22 profile image

I went throu the same thing in 2016 it came from nowhere you really do think something wrong with yourself but its really all in your mind at one point I honesty thought I going die. I had every test going all CLEAR. What I did ,change my diet, drank loads of water and exercise for 30mins everyday I mean push your sweat and all and most of all think positive push yourself out of it . Check online site loveyourself green.com it help me Good luck !!!

Coward123 profile image

I'm the same way , bottom line it's our Damn mind , very ,very weak . My mind instead of enjoying life , it's dragging me through hell .meds help but to tired to do things . Shrinks just listen.you have to beat our Damn minds.

Titan4757 profile image

Aamir....your choice on drugs. I chose not to because it doesn't solve with the underlying issue-your anxiety and over coming your fear. You have to work on changing your thoughts and living with accepting the symptoms of anxiety. I'm slowly transitioning out of anxiety and each day gets better. You will still have some off days. What helped me is sleeping. I was afraid to fall asleep for a month and my mind was so tired it just dug a hole deeper. When you start to sleep soundly again, your mind will begin work with you. Get out and walk. You need exercise and break the cycle of closing yourself off from the world. Go out to eat with family or friends. You can do this.

Aamir147147 profile image

I am trying to relax myself but this has taken my life .... I have two uncomfortable pains right now stomach ache and lower left abdominal pain with constant daheriia daiherria

Moon_Glitter profile image

Have you been tested for crohns disease?

Are you taking any type of a steroid for your afflictions?

Maybe mention this to your primary physician. And feel better soon. X

Aamir147147 profile image
Aamir147147 in reply to Moon_Glitter

No I haven’t been tested for chrons but I don’t think so ....

Aamir147147 profile image

Usually my pain changes from one part to another

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