Stomach problems have me going insane. - Anxiety Support

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Stomach problems have me going insane.

Panicmike profile image
11 Replies

ok so this is going to be a bit long so I apologize in advance, also, there may be a bit of TMI so I also apologize.

OK so this all started about a month and a half ago. I was at work one day and had very sharp and intense pain shoot through my upper/middle abdominal area. The pain was intense and if I had to put it on a scale from 1-10 I would say it was about a 7. It lasted about 3-4 seconds and then was completely gone. Since then It hasn't come back(which I guess is a good thing.) I was really weirded out by it, but figured it most have been something I ate that just didn't agree with me. I tried to continued working and didn't really have anymore problem for the rest of the day. The next morning I woke up feeling heavy, bloated and crampy. At this point I figured I must have been constipated(even though I seemed to be using the bathroom regularly.) So one day after work I picked up some magnesium citrate and a case of water and decided I would try and clean myself out. After chugging down the Magnesium citrate and about three bottle of water, my stomach began to bubble and rumble and I was soon running back and forth from the bathroom. After I felt like I had gotten it all out, I felt as if the cramping and bloating had gone away. Well that was until the next day.

The day after I went to the restroom and noticed there was mucus in my stool, now I've never really paid much attention to my stool until this started happening but it definitely freaked me out. So I just monitored my stools over the next couple days and began to see what I thought were chunks food. It looked like tomato skin and onion skin. Finally after a couple days of this I decided enough was enough and I made an appointment with my Gp. Once I went to her, I explained all of my symptoms, she asked a few questions, and did a physical exam. She came to the conclusion that I was just suffering from constipation. I tried to explain to her that I had taken magnesium citrate and was still using the bathroom regularly, to which she explained that sometimes if we are backed up the stool will go around the blockage instead of pushing it out. So she told me to try cleaning myself out again, and she sent me on my way. I did as I was instructed and felt better for a day or two, but the symptoms came back again. This time I began to have a feeling of gas bubbles and rumbling in my lower stomach area.

Now that bring us to what happened about three weeks ago. I looked up my symptoms online (huge mistake I know.) and Had many signs of colon cancer, IBD , and IBS, which sent me into a straight up panic attack. I have suffered from anxiety for a long time and it has recently become health related. SO as You can imagine I was scared out of my mind. So I decided to go to urgent care and get a second opinion. The doctor was extremely nice and asked way more questions than my primary doctor did, he did a physical exam much like my primary did, and asked me way more questions than my primary did. He said it sounded like I was suffering from Ibs, especially since I have anxiety. So he put me on a bland clear liquid diet and told me to follow up with him or my primary doctor if things weren't better in three or so weeks.

Now the cramping and bloating has gotten a lot better, almost nonexistent most of the time. The rumbling has also gotten a lot better. My stools seem not have any of the food in it anymore, with the exception of corn, which is normal. and for a few days I was pretty sure I was getting better. One day though I noticed a had a really big stool, long, and solid. I noticed tiny black specks on it. It almost looked like pepper. since then I have noticed this several times, the mucus is still there, and I'm now starting to have a pressure in my lower anus. Now all of this had me extremely worried but what happened yesterday finally sent my anxiety over the top. I had another big bowel movement long, thick, and snake shaped. I noticed mucus in it like always, but this time there was a bit of mucus that looked like it had bright red blood in it, the little pepper looking dots were there as well. When I went to the bathroom this morning there was no bright red blood but there was still mucus and pepper looking dots. I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow morning, and tell her whats going on.

I know this post was extremely long, but I feel like I needed to get this off of my chest. I am extremely scared of what they may or may not find, and my anxiety levels are through the roof. Having Colon cancer is all I can think about, and I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to about this. My doctor doesn't seem like shes taking me seriously, my mom and dad always think I'm being dramatic and they cant wrap their heads around anxiety so having a conversation with them usually results in them yelling and screaming at me. I don't blame them, but its very frustrating. Even when I'm relaxing or having a good time the thought of having a terrible disease is always in the back of my mind. I just dont know what to do anymore.

Here is a little about me just in case you have any questions:

1. I'm 24 (I'll be 25 in about two weeks.)

2. I have never smoked

3. I drink very very rarely (maybe once or twice a year and never excessively.)

4. Never done any other kind of drug, not even weed.

5. I exercise regularly. I walk everyday, ride my bike to and from work, and am constantly on my feet at work. I'm 5'8 and my weight fluctuates from about 150-155.

6. I eat pretty healthy I guess, I avoid fast food as much as possible. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and rarely ever drink soda and If I do its usually a sprite.

7. I had blood work done a couple months back and everything came back normal, with the exception of my bilirubin which was a bit high, but I was told it wasn't high enough to cause any concern.

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Panicmike profile image
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11 Replies

Hello there, I'm no doctor but I know mucus and constipation are symptoms of ibs.

I hope things get better and you start feeling better soon x

Panicmike profile image
Panicmike in reply to

Thank you for the reply, and I too hope to be better soon.

in reply to Panicmike

I know IBS can make you feel rough. Buscopan is quite good for cramps pains!

Panicmike profile image
Panicmike in reply to

The doctor at Urgent care prescribed me Dicylomine for the pain, but I'm not really having abdominal pain anymore...

denvajade profile image

Hi there you can get fermentation in your gut and bowel, garlic and parsley tablets and a good probiotic may help.

Notalone8 profile image

Hi hope you feel better don't worry we all face things if life you'll be okay. Try getting tested for parasites . I had something similar my stomach and intestines felt bloated all the time . I tested positive for helicobacter Pylori , it's a bacteria that gives you bloating and stomach pain. Due to my anxiety I was scared to look up what it was it took me 2 months. I thought I had parasites all this time. I took a lot of medicine and still tested positive, it takes time to kill off this bacteria but I'm not giving up . I see my doctor next month hopefully by the grace of God its gone. I know how hard it is to cope with illness and doctors when your anxiety levels are high, it's horrible but it's okay just remember that always. I started taking natural stuff for this bacteria and started some natural pills for my anxiety they are working great. Hope you feel better and never lose faith in yourself, we all can face the fear of anxiety just takes practice and good faith :).

Panicmike profile image
Panicmike in reply to Notalone8

Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. Yeah my anxiety is super high right now. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. I'm truly praying its nothing more than IBS or a light infection of some kind. I'm trying to stay positive but it's easier said than done.

Notalone8 profile image
Notalone8 in reply to Panicmike

Your welcome . Hope all goes well and stay positive it will be okay . Let us know how it went .

Panicmike profile image
Panicmike in reply to Notalone8

So I just got back from the doctors. She didn't say much. she basically prescribed me something for acid indigestion. I did blood work again, and they gave me a take home fecal test to do. scared doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now.

Alwaysanxious profile image
Alwaysanxious in reply to Panicmike

I sympathize I go for blood work April 4 cause of my insurance. I went recently told doctor my symptoms he said he will test gall bladder and pancreas make sure everything OK but now it's all I have on my mind. I am nauseous everyday I originally went in cause I had pulse in stomach. It sucks

snowmantis profile image

even I think you should get tested for parasites..

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