Hiya folks, first a little background. I'm recovering from serious covid and pneumonia. I was hospitalised. I'm just about 3 months post discharge now, but the recovery has been quite traumatic at times.
I've suffered anxiety for my breathlessness and the like. More recently I was managing with meditation, until I came off my blood thinners. Then I got anxious about that and about not sleeping as I kept waking up.
I can stop the attacks sometimes, by nose breathing, however one of the main and first anxiety symptoms for me is the feeling of a blocked nose. In effect, I cannot nose breath slowly, because my nose feels blocked.
Can I do the breathing exercises with my mouth?
In the daytime I can distract myself, but at night, it's much harder to distract, without fully waking up. The you try to get back to sleep, but cannot and get anxious that you will suffer lack of sleep.
Any tips and advice for dealing with night attacks? daytime is more manageable as I can usually just get on with something and distract myself.