I started on Buspar about a month ago, if that. And honestly I don’t see any real effect from it. Like ever since I started taking it I’ve just felt crappy, altogether. I haven’t had nearly as much panic attacks as I used to before I started on it but it doesn’t help ease my anxiety. It just stops my panic attacks, the anxiety is there but the panic attacks aren’t. I just don’t know what to do anymore about it, it’s driving me crazy. It makes me feel like I don’t want to be alive because how am I supposed to live my life constantly worried about tomorrow or not living to see it. It’s so stressful. I’m not suicidal or anything, it’s just stressful. Is there anything anyone can recommend where I won’t constantly think about whether I’m breaking right, if this headache is normal, why did my neck pop, anything really. I’ve been on Zoloft before and ended up in the ER from the symptoms, I’ve also been to therapy but it wasn’t for my anxiety. I’ve heard good things about L-theaime (i don’t know how it’s spelt). So just some advice and recommendations would be nice?? (I also can’t sleep, I won’t allow myself to sleep because I’m scared)
Anxiety medicine? : I started on Buspar... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety medicine?

When I experienced what your feeling vistaril really helped. Stay active don’t overthink about everything it’s just a circle and you make yourself sick just do. Life is only so long try to make yourself happy you deserve it. If you need to change something in your life do it. Nothing can hold you back. Because you are stronger then you think I promise. Sending prayers. Good luck
Thank you! I know I’m trying to convince myself too, I make myself sick overthinking everything honestly
I use to do it and sometimes I still do. Ik it’s so hard to stop. There’s nothing wrong with you for having this. It’s a product of trauma. You just need to experience new memories new people life you know. You are strong.
Yeah I feel stuck. Like stuck in my life not moving forward, I have the option to move to a different state to live with my dad. Who is amazing, but I’ve been with my boyfriend for a really long time and I’d beat myself up too much if I leave and not give us a chance. But where I live makes me feel so stuck.
Oml I feel that. I’m so sorryyyy I understand. you talk to your boyfriend about it? Do you think it’s safe for you to stay where you are because sometimes it’s just the environment around you it can be toxic idk if it like that for you
Well before it was because I was working night shift at a job I hated for crappy pay, and I live on my own. But I just got a new job, I start in less than 2 weeks, and I already quit my old job so that I can get my rest and mental health back up until. So far I haven’t been able to sleep, so scared to fall asleep all the time, so I’m constantly deprived. But I practically live with my boyfriend and his family, because I feel safe there. Like I know he’ll never let anything bad happen to me.
Good that’s good. It’s good you have someone. And you really should b healthy with eating because that’s really important. Because your body and brain need energy haha sorry if I sound like a mom 🤣