Hi just wondering if anyone is in similar situation iv had anxiety for many years and I’m also to scared to take medication I over think and read side affects and won’t take them if I see something on the leaflet i get heart palapations every single day when my anxiety is bad they calm down for a few month then out of no where I’m an anxious mess I’m suffering really bad at the min due to really stressful situation iv tired everything herbal going and nothing seems to work for me I just want to be normal and enjoy my life but anxiety stops me doing so many things has anyone actually cured there anxiety or stopped panic attacks and palpitations
Anxiety attacks every day : Hi just... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety attacks every day

Yes, lots of people have. Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (a therapist) and meditation/awareness. Even just practice good breathing (breathe in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, repeat) can help a lot, especially with physiological symptoms like the heart thing. Lots of self-help books on anxiety, too. You very well may not need any meds. Good luck. ❤️
I can honestly say, I was very scared to take my medication at first because of the same reason, googling side effects and reading stories about what others went through. I take 10mg of Lexapro. I've been on it for about a few months now. Glory to God, I haven't had a panic attack since. It takes about a couple of weeks to see the changes, which others will notice first before you will. What got me to taking my meds finally was my last ER visit. My wife called the ambulance to come and get me because I was having a panic attack, but I thought I was dying. When the EMT came in to see about me, my wife told them that I had anxiety medication, but I hadn't taken it because I was afraid to. I was afraid of what it might do to me. But they asked me if you haven't taken it, how do you know whether or not if it will work? They also asked me if I truly wanted to get better or not. But what really got me was one of them asked, "Don't you want to be able to be around to enjoy your family and play catch with your son?" That had me in tears because I love my family dearly, and I want to be here in good health for my wife and kids. So, that was the first time I had ever taken my anxiety medication, because I never thought of it that way. Not only do I wanna get better for me, but I also want to get better for my family as well. I have to say, that for me...speaking for myself, that the medication has helped me greatly. My advice to you is, you gotta do what best for you. I can't tell you to take or not take anxiety medication. I would pray about it and let the Lord Jesus lead you on what to do. My heart goes out to you because I know what it's like to be afraid to take medication and to have frequent panic attacks. It is not a great feeling. But know this, that if you do decide that you need medication, talk it over with your doctor and let them help you decide what's the best route for your specific situation. Whether it be counseling, or medication and counseling.
I just want to find something else other than medication cause I know people who rake anxiety medication and they still suffer anxiety attacks so I don’t see the point I don’t want to depend on pills to feel normal
Nothing wrong with that. I totally understand. Well, counseling helps. To have someone to talk to who will listen and give you techniques and ways to overcome your anxiety helps as well. Having others in your corner who are patient and understanding is a big help as well. People who will be there for you and who are willing to understand what you go through on a daily basis is also helpful. It helps to know you have love and support.
I do the same thing. I finally for on remeron. 7.5 mg...not much...it helps me sleep but I still dont like it. Searching for something natural daily. See lots of advertisements but dont trust it. It is a hard place to be in. After I see my psychiatrist next week, going to try and get off this med. Only been in it 4 months. Ativan .5 helps me calm down and is the only thing that has ever truly calmed me. It's just as bad as everything else but I have to have something. I am working through things to get better but this is hard. I have had it for 30 years. Relief with Effexor, nortriptyline and Amitriptyline..but all of them just quit working and sent me into withdrawals. A living hell all three times. What saved me? Ativan...My story is on moanxiety.com if you want to read it. Still working in it.
So sorry to read that your anxiety has become so intense and unmanageable. Are you using any diversion/coping strategies - breathing, focus, tapping? Are you working with a therapist/counselor or only your medical doctor?
I’m waiting for an telephone assessment with mind to see if speaking to someone will help me I really don’t want to take Medication and depend on this to be normal I’d rather it be the last resort but it’s getting to a point where soon as I’m awake my legs are tapping and I can’t help but think of thing it’s I’m more scared of dying and if I have panic attack i think I’m automatically going to die it’s awful to live with
Glad to hear that you have the assessment in the works. I agree that there are many ways to manage anxiety. We all have to find the right balance and mix of things which work for our specific needs. Sometimes that means testing and trying new things to see if they are helpful and if they are not, it was still worth the test to discover that they can be eliminated from the list of options. This may be the approach you want to take with trying medication and therapy.
If you’re able, run. I found running have purpose to my palpitations and released the pent up energy my body was trying to get out from the overflow of adrenaline. Me personally running in the woods is such a freeing experience. It’s open and green and there is fresh air and no people around that worry you because we think everyone is judging us all the time lol. Idk it if you are physically healthy enough to run I strongly recommend just bursting out and going as fast and as long as you can.