Are these symptoms of anxiety? : Hey... - Anxiety Support

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Are these symptoms of anxiety?

Aimeelplant profile image
19 Replies

Hey everyone, I’m new here. I’ve received started suffering from anxiety/ panic attacks! I keep getting the feeling I’m having chest pains, I’ve been to the doctors and she listened to my heart and said it’s fine, but I’m still not satisfied. I’ve been off work today... I went shopping I was fine, I’ve come home and started to tidy around and I started to feel lightheaded a little breathless and my legs feel quite like jelly. I’ve also got a little chest pain (again) I keep thinking the worse and it’s driving me mad!! I can’t seem to shift this feeling!! Does this sound like anxiety?

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Aimeelplant profile image
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19 Replies
Yuzy04 profile image

Those are all definitely symptoms of anxiety. I myself have been dealing with the breathlessness for the last couple of days. After getting my doctor to listen to my heart I wasn’t satisfied either but after further reading on anxiety and its symptoms I am starting to realize it is all in the mind. I wish you the best of luck and hope you feel better!

Aimeelplant profile image
Aimeelplant in reply to Yuzy04

Thank you so much for the reply, I really appreciate it. It’s nice to know that your not alone with stuff like this! I hope you feel better soon too!

Yuzy04 profile image
Yuzy04 in reply to Aimeelplant

Yeah don’t feel alone in this... I wake up every morning it feels like with a new symptom. The most recent being shortness of breath, before that was pains around my arms and rib cage, and always have had tension headaches. My stomach is always turning and making me feel nauseous and the list goes on. So try not to worry yourself too much over it!

Aimeelplant profile image
Aimeelplant in reply to Yuzy04

Yeah I feel like that too!! I always think the worse, I started feeling a cold sweat and thinking I’m going to have a heart attack or a stroke.. it’s awful. It’s just these chest pains I’ve got, it seems like it’s right by my heart like a bubble is trapped and I can sometimes feel my heart beat and think it’s being funnily and then I start having a panic attack! It’s like an endless cycle!

Sjpatrick81 profile image
Sjpatrick81 in reply to Aimeelplant

You can get air bubbles because of the way you are breathing (gulping air). It can feel like you can't take a deep breath or your chest feels tight.

Yuzy04 profile image

I’ve had terrible chest pains myself, it is like an endless cycle and ultimately I always feel like it’s my mind playing tricks on me.

I know the pain around your heart is alarming but it’s common with anxiety, if your doctor isn’t worried I wouldn’t be either :).

Aimeelplant profile image
Aimeelplant in reply to Yuzy04

I need to keep telling myself it’s all in my head!! It’s just because it’s so new to me... I’ve ordered myself a book called Dare, apparently it helps you deal with anxiety/panic attacks so fingers crossed that also helps. Thank you :)

howard327 profile image

Once your doc gives you a clean bill of health it's up to you to beat those symptoms. All you need to do is when you feel anything like a chest pain or shortness of breath etc. you must tell yourself that these are not dangerous and are not going to kill you! Once you are able to do that you will have no need for anxiety and it will fade away. Many people I know have done this with excellent outcomes. Hang in there. We are with you. Howard

Aimeelplant profile image
Aimeelplant in reply to howard327

The only thing is they only listened to my heart, they didn’t check my blood pressure, they didn’t give me a blood test so that’s the reason I’m not completely satisfied. I can’t get in the doctors for another 2 weeks. What would you suggest I ask the doctor? Shall I ask for a blood test maybe? Will that show anything wrong?

howard327 profile image

Aimee, I think you are trying to find reasons to give your symptoms undo importance. However when you go back to the doc in two weeks ask her/him for a complete heart checkout including a stephascope, EKJG and whatever else she wants. If as I expect you will pass with flying colors reread my last note and get busy downgrading your physical symptoms such as pains etc. to their proper proportion. As I said before your minor physical symptoms won’t kill you. Stop ruining you life with unnecessary anxiety. You can do this Aimee!

Aimeelplant profile image
Aimeelplant in reply to howard327

Thank you Howard, means a lot.

Jonnyq profile image

Pretty common symptoms of high levels of Anxiety/Stress I get the dizziness, lightheaded, disoriented feeling, feeling sick out of nowhere, chest pains etc, I had two EKG done both results came back fine, but I kept thinking the doctor missed something, and by my thinking habits I started having health Anxiety, it took me months to decreased my health Anxiety, now I'm working on my agoraphobia exposure, now whenever I'm having a panic attack I try my best to just let it happen, and do nothing.

Aimeelplant profile image
Aimeelplant in reply to Jonnyq

How did you decrease it? I really need to work on my health anxiety it seems to be taking over my life at the moment. Ever little pain I get I panic so much! Just wish it would just disappear!! Hope your feeling better soon

Kim00712 profile image
Kim00712 in reply to Aimeelplant

Hi aimeelplant,

First get a full check up at the doctor, and then actually believe what they tell you. That’s the hard part. It took me 2 years to believe my doctor and stop thinking I’m having heart issues. Now I’m just battling that “off “ feeling- dizziness, headaches, foggy head daily. It mostly happens at work because right now my job is very stressful so I’m trying to take a walk during the day to get away from my desk, and during lunch I listen to a great album I got on iTunes. It’s by Amy applebaum and it’s a hypnosis album. I usually wake up and listen to it, and listen to the bed time track. It’s awesome. Totally relaxes me.

Just try and get your head into the right thinking. You’re not going to die or be sick. You’re not going to have a heart attack. It’s in your head. As soon as the thoughts go away, you’ll notice the pains go away as well. I had a shoulder pain on my left side when I was convinced I had heart issues. Once I stopped that thinking, no more pain.

Best of luck to you, keep us update on your progress. You can do this!

Aimeelplant profile image
Aimeelplant in reply to Kim00712

Thank you very much for the advise Kim!!

Jonnyq profile image
Jonnyq in reply to Aimeelplant

Since your doctor told you that your heart is perfectly fine, but yet you still have chest pains, dizziness, feel lightheaded, etc you'll start wondering why you still have the symptoms days, weeks, even months and years after just like myself I had two EKG done once a few days after having my 4the panic attack, my doctor asked me if I ever experienced panic attacks before I said no, I never even knew what Panic attacks were, even though he told me my heart was just fine I was still getting chest pains, dizziness, feeling disoriented etc, so I started feeling more anxiety and stress as soon as I woke up I would feel the symptoms on and off thoughout the day, there were days I would feel dizzy all day from the moment I woke up, till I went to sleep, and I started having depression, so what help me decrease my anxiety was stopping feeding more fear to myself, anxiety is a bubble endless fear cycle for example let's say you felt fine, and out of nowhere you felt lightheaded and you'll feel panicky because you felt lightheaded which turns into fear of being lightheaded, just like being spooke by someone your heart will start racing, so once you felt lightheaded most likely your heart rate went up because you were "spooked" by the feeling of being lightheaded, which turns into having fears of being lightheaded out of nowhere, and the fears turns into being stressed out, thinking when, where and how long will you get lightheaded the next time you clean, subconsciously you'll start to wonder if you'll get lightheaded everytime you start cleaning, which turns into a trigger so even if you felt fine and once you start cleaning out of nowhere you'll start thinking about what happened to you the last you clean, first you have to learn to accept how you feel without fearing or trying to fight the symptoms, once you accept, and you keep cleaning you'll slowly realize that hey I'm lightheaded but I was still able to continue cleaning, and nothing happened once you learn to keep going the less you'll fear the symptoms, and they will slowly decrease because you stop giving Anxiety power, for months and months I was so scared to take a shower while I was home alone it was embarrassing because I kept thinking about my 3rd overall panic attack in the shower, the more I thought about it the more I fear going to the bathroom it was horrible, till one day I went in and took my shower while I felt extremely dizzy, lightheaded but I didn't run I'm out like before, so I felt movatied so I would take more showers when no one was out home, slowly the fear of having a panic attack in the shower stop, and I no longer get dizzy while I'm taking a shower, so slowly work on your fear if you clean don't react to it the symptoms, remember stress will lead to more anxiety, more Anxiety equals more symptoms, so pop that anxiety bubble and you'll start to feel less symptoms, I'm not 100% better not I no longer fear leaving my house, I can drive agian I might not be able to go to far but I'm a lot better now compared to I was in June 2016 till May 2017 since I been doing exposure therapy to retain my brain from fear to being calm. It isn't easy but the sooner you do it the sooner you'll recovery good luck.

in reply to Jonnyq

Hey how have you been??

Pontiac1979 profile image

Doesn't it seem funny that we all get a 100 tests done from a to z and when we get a clean bill we start looking for that 101 test that tells me just how powerful are brains are all we have to do is really start u s I n g all that power everyone has that capability let's start today

Mindfulliving profile image

Yes it’s totally anxiety. I get the same feeling I even get nauseous. Anxiety is horrible and it’s just something we need to learn to adjust with having. But it’s so hard to not thing something is seriously wrong when you get these feelings. Sometimes I feel horrible pain right in between my breast and thing the worst like here comes the heart attack. Recently I’ve used the 3-3-3 method and it helps me to recenter my focus. Name 3 things you see, name 3 things you hear and then name 3 body parts it helps. Hope this helps. Be well.

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