Hello, my dizziness seems to get much worse or start-up after using the computer. My husband keeps saying he needs to buy me a new computer or I need new glasses. I just got new glasses within the last year and it didn't help so I know it isn't that and also there was about a month where I wasn't having this problem so I know it isn't my computer either. It seems that when my anxiety symptoms are worse, that's when I have a difficult time being on my computer, which is terrible because i need to be on it all day for work.
Dizziness worse from being on the computer... - Anxiety Support
Dizziness worse from being on the computer. Anyone else have this problem?

I often get lightheaded if I spend too long at the computer. Search online for tips for how to minimise the impact of computer usage. A big one for me is making sure the computer is at my eye level, I always feel worse if I am looking down at it (such as having a laptop on my lap) as well as taking regular breaks.
There can be things to do with the computer which may reduce symptoms, such as reducing the brightness. I know there are other things too.
I’d say this is a fairly common problem, which may be worsened by your anxiety, but I’d be surprised if that was the cause.
Thank you. I halve turned down the brightness and like I said the reason I believe it is from my anxiety is because for about a month and a half when my anxiety symptoms were less I wasn’t having a problem. I will make sure that my laptop is at my eye level though just in case it is making it worse.
Mines is the ps4 lol I dunno why maybe sitting still is bad and causes me more anxiety
It might be the reason, because I find that when I am feeling anxious I kind of feel better when I am walking around.
Yep the anxiety and adrenaline needs to burn off so sitting still will cause you to feel even worst...the sad part is that anxiety also causes you to feel very fatigued so your basically stuck in this vicious vortex
Look up a software called f.lux and turn your brightness down, as others have mentioned. I am a programmer and have dizziness after using the computer too long, so I use f.lux and blue light blocking lenses to help with extended computer use.
I will check that out. Thank you