Hello Everyone So i notice yesterday was type of stressful day for me but i stay with a smile in my face or try to seem like im happy and having a good time . Yesterday i went to a place called dave&busters is like a place you can play games and eat great food went with my girlfriend and her little sister because it was my girlfriend little sister birthday . So we get on the train us three and all of sudden i get real nervous for no reason its like a rush that makes my heart beat really fast and it seems like i cant control its like i want to run out lf where ever im at i also get dizzy like im going to pass out but i actually dont its really wierd so i felt so Nervous i the train mean while im not thinking about anything at all im just there waiting for my stop to come to get to my location the problem is i fight it so i can try to relax but my body is tierd of it i can tell because it happens all the time everday of the day heart racing everything accerlerating to rush out or run . so we get to dave&busters and boom i start feeling wierd real nervous again heart just beating forcefully and i started talking to my girlfriend to see if i can relax i guess my girlfriend knew something was wrong and was like are you Ok ? im like yeah why she was like im just asking to make sure your alright but in reality i wasnt because this body thing keep happening that im always nervous but for no reason at all because im just having fun so how come im nervous ? dont understand probably is a nervous system problem i guess but it happens 24/7 and i try to act normal around people im with dont want to scare anybody you know so when this happen we were waiting for the food so we can go play the games after . The food came i starting eating and while im chewing my head gets tite like really tite then it went away after chewing my food after we were dont eating and went to play the games i was good i wasnt really feeling anything like that it just crazy hoe my body is feeling and not knowing or explain to anybody because they might say im just crazy i notice another thing is when i run super fast and my heart beating fast it makes me cough and like a jumpy feeling that never happend before all i can think about is bad stuff like cardiac arrest, heartattack, stroke all types of things when these sympthoms are happening to me its crazy never had nun lf this before 2016 i was fine now we in 2018 and im not good still feeling pulse behind my head also my fingers when im typing on my phone never had these i was a guy that was always having fun and living life with no problem at all only 21 and feels like i have alot of health issue at a young age im not myself anymore i can feel it with this going with my body i cant be myself again nobody ever will understand this feeling .
Soo how can i get rid of this like be cure... - Anxiety Support
Soo how can i get rid of this like be cure again with out any problems physically and mentally ?

Hi Johnnie. You're healthy. It's definitely anxiety. A lot of people have this problem. It's too much adrenaline in your body which makes you feel more anxious and uncomfortable til you feel you will explode and want to run. I had the same thing going on a train to Toronto. I couldn't wait to get off cause of what you just described. You have to know it's your nerves and you really need to get just a small prescription to help your nerves. Believe me it's cause we are in a fearful state thinking were sick but it's our nerves only that need help. Tell your girlfriend about it too, it helps to talk about it and tell her to buy you the Dr Claire Weekes CD like I said before. Try to believe me!!🤣
I had this for years and mine started at 27.
All of us here on the forum relate to what you wrote on some level. I actually, "put myself in your place" while reading your story,{ as I have taken the train to D & B's myself} and was able to trigger the same feelings you wrote about "work myself up" again, just sitting here behind the keyboard. It is fascinating at some level that our minds are SO capable of creating stories in our heads . ( I didn't even have to experience the actual trip to do this)
I wish for you that you get a great therapist, or coach of some kind to find out what your core beliefs are that trigger these feelings. I suffered toooooo many years like this.
I wish you well Johnnie............
yeah and did you get better ?
Well, johnnie1234......I know you have been rx meds that you just won't take. Maybe it's a time for a checkup with the doctor or therapist anyway?