Physical sympthoms all the time mostly daily my head just hurts and my body is tierd of fighting this hopefully i dont go crazy because of this spasms all of my body that its annoying , wierd chest feeling like pressure or tight left side of my chest that comes and goes , vision unreal , dream like, heart pounding really fast for no reason just by walking or standing waiting for someone eariler feels like im exercising but im not its just racing like i dont know why , legs hurting , both arms sometimes aswell, twiching sometimes my neck and head like im on drugs or something wierd sensations in my head and headaches like im stressed out of whats going on with me and body is tierd nervous feelings in my stomach that comes and goes and shaky hands aswell i feel like im going crazy and i get alot of negative thoughts aswell like bad things sometimes and sometimes i feel like i want to run out of places because of my heart and the physical sympthoms in my body 5 months never thought it would be this bad constantly everyday thing right now i feel really down because what been going on with me and no one would ever understand feeling a bit depressed and im just going die soon or something this thing is really strong my head starts hurting because cant handle it as much just feeling like going out of control
Hate this feeling 5 months and i feel like... - Anxiety Support
Hate this feeling 5 months and i feel like im just dying my body is tierd and my brain.

Our symptoms are just alike it's crazy and it feels so real it's unbelievable and it's hard to live a fun life especially if ur younger like me ..I'm 19 and I get these terrible feelings 24/7 everyday for four months I'm so sick of this I get jealous of everyone around me because they seem to have the life I used to have I cry all the time because the doctors have told me a thousand times its just severe anxiety. I've had everything checked including my heart...which is my biggest concern I'm afraid I'm just going to collapse aswell trust me I know how you feel it's supposed to get much better my doctor thinks it's just a phase since I've never had panic attacks and anxiety before. I know it's bad and viscous but u will overcome it ..I'm still convincing myself that I will lol but push through it my therapist said REMEMBER WHAT YOU FEED GROWS AND WHAT YOU STARVE DIES LET THIS STARVE AND IT WILL GO AWAY. IMAGE A JAR IN UR HEAD FILL THE JAR WITH ALL THE ANXIETY AND PAIN CLOSE IT TIGHT AND NEVER OPEN IT. My jar is still being filled but it'll get better love.
Alot of ppl have the same symptoms on here so it's easier to relate to what you all are going through I don't have any advice as iam going through this myself I'm sorry I'm only trying to help not being rude but I'm sharing what my feelings are and that is what this forum is for.
You're not going to get better until you start using the treatments your doctors have repeatedly recommended and prescribed, period. I've never in my life seen anything like this. Why waste all the time going to doctors if you aren't going to take their advice to heart? It makes zero sense. If I were feeling as bad as you say you are, I would do ANYTHING to feel better. I promised myself I was going to stop responding to you because it does no good, but Johnnie something has to give with you and you're the only person that can make the changes.
True but it is a forum so that people have the right to post what they like when they like feel free to say what you feel many ppl relate to these experiences and it's helpful to know that others are going through the same thing and your not alone BY NO MEANS NO ONE ON HERE SHOULD BE BASHED BY THEY WAY THEY FEEL. Your only giving ppl more stress and anxiety by making them feel as though they cannot express how they feel. Maybe you shouldn't be on an anxiety site if u can't except how others feel it is not fair and sometimes it is hard to get through this alone so I sympathize for you is not easy and it frustrates me that people can be so rude without realizing it. Sorry you're going through a rough time it is hard
thanks alot atleast you understand and also are you on meds ?
Look into food intolerances?!!
That made me laugh!!!!
Hi Johnie,
Have you ever take the meds prescribed by you doctors yet? It's been months now that you have been feeling miserable, always sharing the same hurt and anxiety.
Sorry we cannot do more than to always tell you to take your meds. But you never do, and always have a reason for that.
We do know you are in bad shape, and this venue as a place for ventilating, but sometimes our "ears" do get sore and frustrated to always hearing you have not taken your meds and you asking what to do.
So, I am glad when some of us get worn out, new readers step in to reply to you.
Maybe one day you'll get tired about ventilating how you feel, you'll take your meds and hopefully feel better.

yeah i know i been trying to cope with it but lately i been having physical sympthoms everyday i dont know why its a dailt thing like wierd stuff on my chest like pressure or tightness that comes and goes and for some reason i been having spasms all over my body and the problem is i dont want those meds to mess up my brain because those pills are for the brain just a bit nervous about it and 5 months feeling physical sympthoms and trying to cope with it but i could tell my body is getting tierd of it already
Smoking weed Johnnie, messes with the brain as well. For most it gives you that good high feeling. Well, the medicine your doctor gave you will work on the receptors of the brain to also give you some relief, some comfort.
I understand how we hate taking meds. There are times when we have choices and other times we don't (in emergency situations) This time, it's a choice that you must make in either feeling better or going through this feeling every day.
Now you could get better on your own through intense therapy and working hard on other methods to reduce your fears. However, it may be difficult for you to break that circle of fear after 5 months. A little help from the meds may be the key you need to start going forward. You are so young to be missing out on life. You need to be back with your friends, going places and having fun.
If you've read the book from Dr. Claire Weekes on HOPE & HELP FOR YOUR NERVES you will get an understanding of how the body responds to the signals sent from our brain. (Negative Signals) If and when you make the decision to take your prescribed med, we will all be here to support you. The important word here is "prescribed" med. Your doctor ordered that medication for you alone, in dose and with your health history in mind. That's about as safe as anyone can get.
Think it over once, twice, however many times it takes. Keep saying "I want to feel better", "I will not let Anxiety take my life away from me". "This is just for a short time and is the key to my healing"....Good Luck Johnnie
thanks alot sometimes i think im just going crazy because my head feels wierd my vision feels unreal or dream like i just feel so ill
I so understand Johnnie. It's horrible to feel unreal every single day. Waking up each new morning hoping today will be different but it isn't. It isn't because something has to change within us to make that difference. Either through medication or reversed thought process. Most of the time once anxiety takes hold it doesn't want to let go. Think of the medication as a hero figure, coming to rescue you from this Anxiety Demon. Little by little, the meds will chip away at your anxiety symptoms, making you feel somewhat normal again.
Worth a try??
yeah you are right because 5months and still off that one day smoking the weed i been going to therapy but still no changes and also i have a test monday through thursday this to work for the abulance ems i dont know how im going to go to take this and this my only try but the way im set up i dont know
Oh Johnnie, that sounds exciting. Exciting in a good way, when helping others it will take your mind off your own issues. Please let me know how you do. As a former paramedic you can bet that I'm behind you all the way. You can do it. You know how girls can't help liking a man in a uniform. Good Luck!
yeah hopefully i dont have a issue with this and i could go take those test
Whether you pass or not, the thing is you tried moving forward and that's what it's all about.
Hi. I'm reading all this and seeing myself in you in my early twenties. I didn't take one pill. I had the worst case of panic and anxiety disorder . Clinical depression. Symptoms upon symptoms. Physical mental. Losing my mind. Numbness. Out of body. My hearing was not right. My vision was not right. I was terrified to stay home and couldn't leave the house. Racing thoughts. Heart palpitations. Missed heartbeats. Severe pain all over my body. Grinding teeth. Ringing ears. Thought I was going to die. My heart was going to stop. Couldn't eat. Couldn't sleep. Every thought was about myself. I tried to think about other things. I was in the ER every other day. I had every test done known to mankind. My dear sweet boy. For approximately three years start to finish. I suffered like you. When doctors said nothing was wrong n my family said. See there is nothing wrong. I thought to myself. One day this thing is going to kill me and won't they be sorry they doubted me. Well guess what. I prayed. I heard other stories like mine. I got tests. I finally went to a group therapy meeting about six times. And after hearing about these women suffering for 18 and 8 and ten years. I said enough is enough. I was not going to still be feeling this way in that many years. They gave me a crap load of pills I never took. I felt it was time to believe that it was anxiety. So I allowed my self to let the waves hit me and roll away. I prayed. I heard in my spirit. Take your daughter to the city by train. So. I got on the train and then took subways to parks ect. White knuckles and dry mouth the whole time. I just knew that everyone could tell that something was very wrong e me. But when we arrived without embarrassment or death or men in white coats coming to drag me away to mental institution. I realized this was the beginning of the end of my crisis. I had to make a few changes in my life. I had to think better thoughts about myself. I had to cry and let pain out. I had to tell people that they hurt me. And thank those that cared. Ect. The pain fear and overall discomfort left just as fast as it had arrived that crazy morning that landed me in the hospital for the first of a million times. You gotta do wat might seem scary. Find a reason. And little by little step by step your way to freedom. A book that helped me. Freedom from panic and anxiety. Im 45 now. I have four daughters they are 23 17 15 and 13. And I haven't had a panic episode in 18 years or so. You are going be ok. This wil make you stronger . What ever it is your future holds. It must be important. Because if you are making through this then what ever comes next will seem like cake. If you want more details. Or need to talk. I'm here. I will pray for you. And ❤️ You. Even when people get frustrated with you. It's ok. You are young and frightened that this is your forever fate. I was scared too. That I'd die never feeling right again. Oh my sweetie. No no no. You'll see the end of this. Bye for now
wow thats crazy it made me feel more relaxed i think im never going go get better i feel the physical sympthoms dailt everyday it all started with smoking some weed it messed my nerves up thats how i feel im nervous of everything even going in the train i fight in order to relax its a crazy feeling it really is
I'm so tired of people complaining about yourself posting several posts, i don't understand why someone said ''they don't have the ability to comment appropriately'' when they're not obliged to comment. Please remember people this is a anxiety page a lot of people with anxiety also suffers from depression even if it wasn't a anxiety page please as a decent human being have more compassion and if you're really sick of hearing the same thing like i said you're not FORCED to comment just scroll down and carry on with your life as these comments do not help. You do not know what people are going through and you never know what this one comment can do. This IS a form of bullying and taunting he does not need to be reminded that he's making numerous of posts he is free to do so.
I totally agree fionaleung21. We all want to comfort and help others but there may be times it gets frustrating. So we need to move on
P.S. I'm from the old school, if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, then don't say anything. I've been beaten down so much over the years (emotionally) that I've learned to be thicker skinned. Take care fionaleung, thanks for expressing your thoughts. x
I hear you goldie11, but I don't think tough love ever got anyone over their anxiety. Some of us just need more reassurance to take that step forward. It's sad because it just prolongs the agony. We can only do so much to support each other, the rest is up to the person. We need to take care of ourselves first. That is all important. Relax....this won't be the first or last person to fight being helped. I was like that with my doctors years ago. It wasn't until I made the decision to get better that I did. People could talk until they were blue in the face but I was going to prove I had something more horrific than anxiety. Which I didn't. Breathe
Hi there
I have never posted on this forum about myself, I only ever reply to people I think I may be able to help. I have been keeping up with Johnnie's post's and was so surprised when people started giving him a hard time. I was very similar to Johnnie as Im sure a lot of us are and it's very hard to step out of that anxiety prison (especially if you are experiencing t for the first time) and think rationally, if we could we wouldn't be in this state. I never wanted to take meds because I was suffering from major anxiety therefore I was suffering from major fear from everything. I took them and they didn't work for me and Meds don't work for everyone even if a doctor says they will. I'm three years into this horrible existence and I am at an especially low place at the moment having suffered from some stressful things lately. Anyway what I really wanted to say was thank you for voicing yourself and you are so right, people need support and nothing else. It's very easy for the people who have been through this and that are now well to 'advise' those of us that are currently unwell, however they forget that we are so fragile and not thinking rationally to absorb maybe what is the hard truth.
ShortFox, thank you for recognizing my responses to Johnnie as well as my concern. I've been there and it's a very scary place. Medication, therapy, hospitalization, tried every method out there to relieve anxiety. Family and friends pulled away making it a very lonely existence. I was afraid of everything but didn't know why. The adrenaline ran wild, my mind went a mile a minute. I cried, I shook, I became Agoraphobic. You name it, I experienced it with anxiety. I knew there had to be a way out of this nightmare and I was hell bent that I would get there one day. And I did. I did.... Now it was my turn to pass it forward to the others who like myself were so afraid to go forward. I promised myself I would always remember what it was like. I would always be a caring supportive person. Something I never had when I was going through it.
And here I am, and here are all the Johnnies who are so afraid to take that first step. But I believe it will happen when they are ready. ShortFox, I understand where you are coming from. I hope you continue to use the forum. Pick up the bits of advice that you feel would work for you and ignore the rest. It is your body, your mind and not everyone is the same. If we can be of any help to you, please write again. The support is here as well as the understanding because in reality, we all care. x
I agree to much about smoking weed!
Mine anxiety has been going for 8 months, I have all the symptoms you aré going through, worse thing is I work as a waiter in a busy restaurant and it's stressful, have you lost weight? Being in constant worry burns so much calories, also you feel week due to the amount of stress your mind and body is out through
I know how you feel itsmebanderelo I also work in a busy restaurant which my parents owns and it is so stressful especially if I already feel anxious that day. Sometimes I don't even know how to cope because we get really rude customers.
And as for Johnnie I was like yourself when I first had anxiety and had no clue what it was it was crazy to me to think all these symptoms are due to anxiety. I also didn't take my medicine and I remember my family getting mad about me for it, the truth was the side effects scared me. This will honestly take time and it did take me a long time to realise as well but you're free to message me anytime
Same symptoms but decreasing. Exercise, sleep, more water, multi vitamins, extra magnesium, and an outlet ( for me music/baths). I also have learned to say no and am realizing less is better st this point in time. Wish you the best.
yeah thank you i get these daily physical sympthoms i never experinced before
This is so scary to you because it's still so new. I remember falling asleep on my back and waking up w my mouth literally full of what seemed like water. Filled. I couldn't believe I didn't drown in my sleep. Depression causes your mouth to water sometimes. And this can make you feel like not drinking anything. You must be a bit rigid about eating drinking and getting enough sleep. Train yourself to be disciplined. And watch how quickly you can recover. Read about other people's stories of redemption from this. And keep their victories in your mind. Imagine that it's your victory. What one person can overcome. Another person can overcome. Hang in there. You will be ok.
Stay strong anxiety it tough but you are tougher. Just take deep breaths also look up on you tube a thing I use it's tapping. For anxiety it really helps and remember your not alone .
I am just the same except I also have depression. Currently I am on meds but every so many months I get a little stressed like less than anybody else I know and I get all these awful symptoms as you describe. I also get debilitating headaches and chest pain that last hours, days and awful. I am of the age where my hormones are playing a part but tbh I think they always have. I get a massive surge or depletion of a chemical in my left temple all of a sudden and then I start to feel out of reality and spaced out.
I am hoping my dr can help me with this as I hate these episodes now. It feels like my head and chest are going to explode. I have kept these at bay for about a year or more but these last 2 weeks have put me to the test.
I know I have this medical/mental problem as one effects the other but sometimes you need to take the foot off the paddle and reevaluate what's going on. I know that over the last 7-8 months of covid I have drained my self by looking after everyone else, homeschooling, shopping, housework, working in the NHS and taking on so much information everyday I am exhausted. It will take time but look after yourself first. Something I have neglected for a few months x