So everyday i try my best to focus on other things then whats been going with my body but now its getting me angry , depressed, not feeling like myself at all how i use to i feel like im going to have a cardiac arrest, heart attack , stroke why do i say this ? Ok first every day its a problem lets start off with the everytime im sitting down in the couch or on a chair soon as i stand up my bead gets like a tite feeling in my head and my heart speeds up fast and slows down and beats hard like its forcing to beat my head always starts hurting when it happens i get headaches all the time. another thing is my heart beats fast for no reason its like something in my body thats doing all this i get random spasms . i get these numb feelings or feeling unblanced sometimes like my legs are tierd and wanna sit down or faint feeling but it doesnt happen . Lastnight i was going to sleep with my gf and she is on me her head on my chest and goes Babe why is your heart beating fast im like no its not i dont feel like it is and she tells me relax then i fell asleep but the thing is im not worried or anything for this to be happening the wierd part is that i get these attacks like my heart is going to stop working and pumping i have this jump feeling that makes me cough and wanna run for help but all this is happening im not nervous or worried its just happens out of no where all these physical sympthoms what should i do ? my head is always feeling strange lightheaded sometimes dizzy and head gets tite . probably something in my brain is trying to block ? thats making my head get tites and making my heart acclerate fast for nothing but this is making me go crazy every day and dream like vision ughh...
Wassup Everyone Been feeling like im going... - Anxiety Support
Wassup Everyone Been feeling like im going crazy everyday .. Need some advise for whats been going havent been here for a while.

Ive had that.same thing. It's no fun. I believe it's just adrenaline coming out at random times, because your nerves are all over the place.
You should maybe try some exercise.... I know your heart will scare you, but try to ignore it. If that doesn't work then maybe ask your Dr for something for your anxiety, then once your calm you can go for a run to release all that built up tension.
Sounds like your feeling worse lately?
yeah i havent been on this like that i been trying but everyday its always something a feeling like im going to die or something
I know the feeling
yeah i dont know what is the feeling every time im getting up from laying down or sitting i get this tite feelings in my head that makes my pulse and heart everything goes fast then it does relax but still dont know what is it makes me get headaches awell right now i have one .
Johnnie, something like this needs to be seen by a doctor. Let him check out what is going on.
the thing is when i get to the docter dont know how to explain the exact feeling its hard to say.
I had this same feeling after I had my daughter I had high blood pressure it was aweful it was like my head was going to explode after a stood up but change in diet and exercise within a week or so it cleared up
Hi Johnnie1234, I know you haven't written for a while. That would be good if you were symptom free but it seems as if they continue and are just as scary as before. Everything you have written is something I read everyday from others as well as having experienced it myself years ago. Now either we all have heart issues or we all have anxiety problems. Nothing stands out with your symptoms that we all haven't been through ourselves. Now I'm not saying you are over exaggerating because I know you are not. The fact that your girlfriend heard your heart beating fast as she lay her head on your chest proves it is a real physical response. But is it a response to the over sensitized nervous system and release of adrenaline in the anxiety prone person??
This is where your doctor needs to come in and take tests and recheck you from time to time to eliminate any medical cause. Once that is eliminated then the mental cause needs to be addressed. That would be any thing from medication to therapy to acceptance of it being anxiety and nothing more. It's a retraining of our thoughts which control our emotions. A year is coming up soon for you Johnny that you have been suffering with these symptoms. The time is now for you to break that cycle/circle of fear. If it ends up being a physical problem, then that needs to be addressed. As long as you continue to feel these physical sensations, the anxiety will continue.
The forum and myself can support you and try to reassure you that you are okay but unless you believe it, in falls on deaf ears. You sound like a nice young 20 y.o. guy who was living the good life when one night everything changed for you. But it doesn't have to change forever. My advice is make that appointment once again with your doctor and then come back on the forum and we will offer our help and support in having you go forward emotionally. We help each other because we all care. You are never alone. x
thanks alot and yeah i will because its been going on for to long feel like something is wrong . and these physical sympehoms has my body tierd and stressed for real.
Yes Johnnie I just saw your other response as to change of positions causing some of these symptoms as well as a headache. Please call your doctor and have him to an exam. Wish you well. x
Okay thank you agora1
Let us know what the doctor says..
Okay no problem but you know i have been going to docters ever sense they say im fine and i dont see my docter till november and the only if i go to the emergency room maybe .
No, the ER isn't going to do it. You need someone who can spend a little time with you and listen to your heart when you sit, stand and squat. They can listen to your heart as well as monitor your blood pressure. That is really the only way they can tell if there are any significant changes in different positions. It can be something so simple but unless they see or hear it, it continues to go on.