soo i was taking the train this morning i walked down some steps and next thing you know felt like my heart was trying to stop or trying to make me not breath but it made me cough and trying to fight to relax and act normal but it scared the hell out of me i thought it was going to stop working out no where and boom and drop dead i dont know if it my heart thats causing it or my thyriod but it makes me trying to not breath then it goes away after a while and im back to normal it makes me cough though and panick also i just dont want to think its nothing and something happens one day because of it i saw a cardiologist about almost ayear and he said my heart was fine everything looks good had a heart monitor for like 7 days and did a stress test in a trimmill it was fine he said everything is fine but at that time my heart was just racing really fast like i couldnt control but now these are new sympthoms im talking about i still get the heart rate fast aswell pains thats comes and goes in my chest
really bad morning i just feel like im goi... - Anxiety Support
really bad morning i just feel like im going to drop dead one day ...

It sounds like a classic case of anxiety. Not heart or thyroid problem. So you've had your heart checked out and nothing wrong there. Have you ever gotten yourself checked out for anxiety? Just curious as to why you keep posting on anxiety forum?
they have told me i had anxiety disorfer when i went to the ER because they say everything was fine but cant it change after a year ?
Maybe if you didn't miss your cardiologist app recently you would have found out. Honestly Johnnie at your young age I doubt it. I have read some of your old posts and you are in denial about having anxiety.always looking for some physical reasons for your discomfront. Your physical symptoms will continue to haunt you until you can start addressing the issue you have which is anxiety. Nothing will get better until then. I wish you all the best
yeahh so it this would never go away?
Sure won't my friend. You're not going to know peace until you start accepting it's anxiety. Only then will you begin to start addressing the real issue.
Until then, you will post here with every recurring symptom. You won't improve and you won't begin to calm down. You will constantly search for reassurance and list your symptoms over and over again. You will scour the internet for answers. Reach out to others for sympathy and look for empathy and understanding.
You will pray to know what it was like to know the "old" you. Maybe it's your brain/thyroid/Nervous System/muscles/heart???? But wait!!! What if it's: (insert disease or organ here) Yeah...that's got to be it.
Health anxiety is a vicious cycle. And you are a snake eating your own tail. You'll only find your fill to your own demise.
Anxiety doesn't go away until you stop running from it. So what are you so afraid of? Time to start addressing the real issue and start working on your mental state.
What do you have to lose? It can't be worse then living in the constant fear of diseases your doctors don't think you have.
yeah i get sharp pain that comes and goes in the left side of my chest first thing i think about is heart attack or something bad also i get aderline rushes from the bottom to my head that makess my body move uncontrolbly like muscle contraction like i cant calm down and it makes my stress it and my heart starts beating fast and its annoying already like i feel like its something with my heart or nervous system problem i just dont know what it is and dont know how to exactly explain everything to a docter is just crazy
So start with buying in that it's anxiety related, and that anxiety is the cause of everything you're experiencing.
Put all your focus into that for 3 months. No more anything health related or explaining it for 3 months. Just anxiety.
Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety. Just for 3 months you put all your effort into thinking anxiety is the root of everything. No questions asked.
During that time you try relaxation methods. You go to a therapist. You try medication. You do mindfulness training. You do relaxation yoga. You get plenty of sleep and rest and you exercise daily.
Put you're all into this. After 3 months, if there is no change in anything, and you can honestly say you gave it your best shot.
Well then you can go to the doc and say "hey man, it's not anxiety. I've tried it all. Now get to work and help me!"
Also, during that time. Maybe do some research on punctuation there holmes. Your posts kill my eyes because I never know when your sentences are stopping and going.
Punctuation and spacing matters man!! lol
Great advice on here for you. Just think after all the things youve felt over the months or years has anything killed you? So if there was anything physically wrong you'd have collapsed or died at some point. The truth is all of your (and mine) symptoms are amxiety related so the answer is to learn to relax, except, ignore, and just crack on with your life. Eat healthy clean food amd get some exercise you won't go far wrong. Oh one last thing - youre not alone. Health anxiety is a twat to deal with.