I feel like im disappearing: Idk what to do... - Anxiety Support

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I feel like im disappearing

13 Replies

Idk what to do. My consciousness is getting dimmer and dimmer and i feel like im disappearing. Ive been trying to stay active but i feel like im just putting on a mask pretending to be present. I always feel like im about to pass out. My anxiety is out of control. I havent been to the hospital in a while though, so i guess thats progress. But to me it just feels like i gave up asking them for help.

13 Replies
Mike7777 profile image

Do you go to therapy? Try different mthods of learning to live with it. Thats what ive been doing. As there is no cure and may never go away. You have to change the way you think about anxiety as a bad thing. Not saying its good, but dont label it. Just be present with it. Ive improved a bit but still have physical symptoms. It sucks i know. Are you on any meds right now?

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image

I'm so sorry you are still suffering so much. I've been there and just as bad, so know there is always hope. Surprisingly what has helped me is, 50B probiotics daily, with psyllium husk capsules to help feed the probiotics. I've been through 3 different meds this year which hadn't really helped much, some made me worse. I had also tried diet and exercise but with no results. I also had trouble with sleep for years, mostly tire often and trouble waking up as I would sleep very deep but felt unrested even after 9-10 hours of sleep. I'm skinny and don't snore but I finally convinced my second doctor to send me for a sleep study and am now using a CPAP for mild apnea, which I think the combination of the CPAP and probiotics has greatly improved my symptoms. My anxiety is pretty much nonexistent, but my energy levels are still problematic randomly. The gut and brain connection plays a huge role and the probiotics did huge for me and might do the same for you. It took a few weeks to finally work. I use Renew Life Critical Care I believe, it's the 50B capsules and has multiple strains that are being studied and are theoretically supposed to help your immune system, anxiety and convert vitamins more effectively. Hope you find a solution. I see many of your comments and makes me sad to see someone suffering so much :(. God Bless.

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to HealthAnxietyGuy

May I ask you if these 50B tabs helped your stomach. I have a nervous stomach, sometimes it works overtime, sometimes it doesn't work at all, if you get my meaning, always full of gas, pretty much feel off all the time. I've had pipes up and down via hospital, all good, so must be me being anxious, as If my stomach plays up I get scared I might get sick, have emetophobia.

So my stomach is living on its nerves.

I've often wondered if a probiotic would help or make me worse.

Sorry for jumping in on Someone's post.

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image
HealthAnxietyGuy in reply to Funkyfaerie

Yes, it helped my nervous stomach and nervous system completely. I also have emetophobia since a child and have had ibs since my teens. Recently it was so bad that nothing was keeping me regular, but now with the probiotics, I haven't been this constantly regular for years. Literally nothing else helped, diet, pills, fibre, exercise, meditation/breathing, literally nothing. I did multiple stool tests and blood tests but never wanted to do a colonoscopy as I fear the worse from it. But I did the calprotectin test which I researched online and it shows it to the very accurate in picking up inflammation from either colon cancer, polyps or IBD. But it wouldn't tell you which you have, it at least rules out the others to diagnose IBS.

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to HealthAnxietyGuy


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, and thank you for taking the time in replying.

Which probiotics would you recommend, these 50B that you take, are you in the US or UK? Only I've not heard of these. Although I suppose another brand might do?

Like you I have tried everything else to no avail.

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image
HealthAnxietyGuy in reply to Funkyfaerie

I'm in Canada and use Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion from Renew Life. I believe they have it on amazon.com and walmart,com but not the 50 Billion, I saw 30, 40 i think and 90 and others but not specifically 50. Here's at what strains you should try to get if you can't find it:

Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) 25 Billion

Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122) 10 Billion

Lactobacillus casei (HA-108) 8.875 Billion

Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) 4 Billion

Bifidobacterium longum (HA-135) 1 Billion

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111) 250 Million

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA- 114) 250 Million

Lactobacillus plantarum (HA-119) 250 Million

Lactobacillus fermentum (HA-179) 250 Million

Lactobacillus salivarius (HA-118) 125 Million

other companies have similar ones but I know this company work well for my mom and I. I also saw excellent reviews on multiple sites. Keep me posted as I'd like to know if it helps others as well. :)

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to HealthAnxietyGuy


Many Thanks for the information and your time.

I will definitely give this a try, and get back to you.

Best Wishes

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image
HealthAnxietyGuy in reply to Funkyfaerie

Also, I would like to add that at the beginning you may have a bit of side effects while your body is adjusting to the new probiotics and the bad dies off. My symptoms were a bit worse on some days as it was adjusting and would sometimes give some bloating and gas. It took me 3-4 weeks to finally start seeing a difference, however, some days within that time frame I was feeling better also. So make sure you give it a few months time.

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to HealthAnxietyGuy


Yes I'd been thinking that as I did try it before once and gave up because I felt worse at first.

But you have given me inspiration, thank you for that.

Is it ok if I keep in touch?

I actually think I will start properly after Christmas as I am going away and don't want to feel bad then!! 🙄

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.


HealthAnxietyGuy profile image
HealthAnxietyGuy in reply to Funkyfaerie

Ah yes that makes sense. And yes of course, keep in touch.

Icanbeathis2016 profile image

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes my anxiety gets so out of control I truly feel like I am about to fade away. Like I get so stuck in my head and then I cant escape and that there's no way out but death.

And also for me I haven't been to a doctor or urgent care in about five months, so I was trying to look at it as progress too. But then i go to thinking what if I'm missing that chance to have saved myself from something. It's a never ending cycle. And God knows I definitely dont want to give up on myself

I wish us the best

Lynl profile image

The fact that you don’t keep going to the hospital and seeing doctors is actually a good thing , it’s not giving up , it’s getting better. I need to stop driving doctors nuts. You are definitely not disappearing and maybe just make yourself get out there, do yoga or join a fitness club . Shopping is always therapy , lol sorry for the bad humor, I sometimes back out of things but need to not get in that habit , I hope you know you have a purpose and know you are not fading out. Do you take any meds? Keep in touch.❤️

Danzdanz123 profile image

I feel this and it feels like I’m dying and I get this very scary feeling about missing life and my family go to see a therapist or a doctor about it so you aren’t spending your life suffering

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