Did alot of test for the heart echo and stress test and thyriod x-rays and blood work everythig is fine but i get chest pains and really fast heart beats everyday mostly 4 or 5 times a day and cant relax my back grt back pains and neck pains at times and shooting pains and alot of shortness of breath sometimes i just breath hard to see if it goes away but honeslty guys this is a everyday thing you know when something is wrong with your body and just be hearing your fine idk makes me think like they just missing something probably and then when something happens it might be to late i always search up alot of google and shows alot of stuff makes me just wanna see every docter in the world to see if in really fine my heart just beating fast or beating hard at times even when i get up its like a pressure on my body like if i cant breath when i get up and my heart starts poundig then going really fast its like i have a heart problem i knoe i post up alot but im just a worried person because the heart is important and if it stop working your dead you know thats whats always in my head im sorry guys i know im annoying but dont really have people to talk with because people just think im going crazy.
Blood clot in the heart is it or maybe im ... - Anxiety Support
Blood clot in the heart is it or maybe im just thinking to much i seena cardiologist say im fine.

You've been very thoroughly investigated and assured all is normal.
Health anxiety frequently presents as chest pains and heart worries, so now you've gone through the heart investigations its time to concentrate on the anxiety treatments. Mindfullness, yoga, limiting worrying to set times each day, recording 3 positives every day, hand all your worries about the future to God - he will look after you and take away your worries if you let him
Yeah need to because literaly feel like i have a heart problem and body pains every where sometimes
Spend your time working on this rather than worrying
The more you think about it the worse it will get,I suffer from health anxiety,and for years I have thoughts of my heart stopping or having a stroke but I'm still here so deep down know nothing is wrong,ur brain is a powerful thing,it's telling u that u have a heart problem,so say back no I haven't as I've been checked out,don't let this ruin ur life,mine did for 3 years but slowly getting better now x
Yeah its a crazy feeling i saw the cardiologist like a month ago i think but i think its gotten worst now idk if i should see another one.
It hasn't got worse it's u that think it has because your panicking,the more u think about it the worse u think it's getting
yeah but i actually feel it sometimes i dont think about it and it just happens
That's what anxiety does to you,u can feel fine 1 minute then not the next,it's a strange thing
Yeah idk doe i cant even reach to my goals with this problem cant have fun go to a barbor something ita like ama be stuck with this for a while
Just pass your worries to God for a month or so and see what happens. Don't see any more doctors, don't go to hospitals. You've done all that and it hasn't helped, so now youo need a different approach and that is to work on your behaviour
Yeahh hopefully this go away and can enjoy life again its been hard its like something controlling you and you dont think might have a blood clot or somethinng
One technique is a rubber band on the wrist which you twang every time you start worrying about your heart!
Johnnie, Goldfish is right. Pass your worries onto a higher power, whatever that might be for you. You need to learn to trust and believe again in what the doctors have told you. You have no life anymore unless something changes for you. You need to get rid of the "what ifs" in your way of thinking. Start using Affirmations telling yourself you ARE okay. When a thought or doubt creeps in, tell yourself, my doctor said I'm fine and that's what I choose to believe.
It's small steps Johnnie but eventually your mind will get it. Try to spend a few minutes deep breathing right now, while you let your worries go....
Try a dose of this