Although I joined a few weeks ago and have been oozing around on the forums commenting when I get a chance, I haven't had a chance to introduce myself. 35/M originally from NY, but now living in California up near San Francisco for the past 13 years. My anxiety and depression "journey" began back in college, when a routine trip with my brother to Italy resulted in my first panic attack that came completely out of no where!! Needless to say, I was rattled, and upon returning back to college, I had incessant anxiety, total lack of focus/concentration, and a few other symptoms that prompted the mental health specialist my mom took me to to start up with some anti-depressants. A few bumps along the road later (Zoloft made me exhausted during the day, Wellbutrin made me suicidal, Paxil just plain didn't work), I settled into a small, yet robust cocktail of Effexor (37.5mg)/Celexa (20mg) which was working pretty well until December 2016, when I started to feel some of the symptoms of my depression creeping back in (memory issues, muddled thoughts, lack of enjoyment of things I used to do, etc.). To make a long story short, I thought it was a SUPER idea for me to try and simply cut off the medication cold turkey... wow, was that not a good move!! After a few weeks of debilitating side effects (they are just as bad as everyone says, sorry, I can't lie, but don't do it cold turkey and it must be better), it seemed like everything was back on track. INCORRECT. A few months later, I encountered my second ever panic attack one day before another vacation to Europe!! (maybe I should just not go to Europe ever again?!?) Of course, looking back over the past few months, I would have done things totally different, but alas, here I am...
Pertinent Info: I started back on Celexa 10mg on July 5th, only to encounter incredible anxiety that forced me (at the suggestion of my doctor) to stop taking. A big gut punch, especially when it had worked well before. Started taking 5mg of Lexapro on July 11th. So basically two weeks in, only side effects I've had to far are the increase in anxiety and insomnia, and I'm hoping to recapture who I was before I wasn't who I was, if that makes sense. Have gone through 3 sessions of C.B.T. so far and have combed the Internets so many times in the past weeks looking for any anecdotal stories or results that I'm pretty sure the I.T. guy at work is going to have a talk with me very soon!!
I'm hoping that I can be of help to those in need... and maybe get some advice/perspective in times of my own