so i went out to the pub for food with friends on monday night and felt fine until i thought it would be a good idea to tackle a giant pudding (15 scoops of icecream bubblegum strawberry and vanilla) which i just casually ate over about 40 minutes but didnt finish, i decided to stop then about 15 minutes later i started feeling sick. I was up in the night and threw up tiny amounts after forcing it up to try feel better. Tuesday i woke up still feeling bad but i cried hysterically for about 30 minutes and after that i felt fine all day, then towards the end of the day i went to eat some food and felt sick all over again, i woke up again in the night and had to go nibble some apple cause i was so hungry but felt sick, now its wednesday afternoon and i'm still not feeling well but havent thrown up since monday night - i've had kaolin and morphine medicine, and a dioralyte and my temperature is normal? i dont know if i'm working myself up because i dont want to feel sick which is making it worse? could it be anxiety?
i'm new here and not sure what is wrong? - Anxiety Support
i'm new here and not sure what is wrong?

Sounds like a very big pudding 🌻. Maybe your stomach was full.. hence the nausea. If you are prone to anxiety nausea is no help. Stick to light good food. I hope you are feeling much bettet.
i'm not too sure if i have anxiety as its only the second time i've felt like this, the first time was the night before graduation - i was up and sick in the night then i had a heavy crying session on my mum cause i didn't wanna miss it then felt fine again but this seems to be lasting longer
itshOlly, Enormous amount of fats and sugar is what made you sick not anxiety. Next time the crying was from "sugar blues". There's no medicine for this, just eating some light, healthy foods for the next few days and lots of water to flush our your system..
Anxiety wrapped itself around you when you started feeling sick. You will start feeling better soon. I'd stay away from high fat foods for a while. Give your stomach a little break
Yes. Light food. Get better soonest! 🌻
What light foods would you suggest as I don't have an appetite at all
itshOlly, some light foods might be banana,chicken broth, rice, jello, toast, applesauce, cereal, and tea. A little ginger ale over ice in between can help settle the stomach some.
Then as your stomach settles and you feel a little more appetite, you slowly can add chicken or turkey, mash potatoes etc.
Feel better soon.
I'm going to try some salad and hope that makes me feel a bit better, if not I'll try some of them thank you! Horrible when you feel sick isn't it 🙄
It is a horrible feeling.. Just know that salad is harder to digest.
But if that's what you have a taste for, go for it..
oh right, i just feel like something crisp and fresh like crunching cucumber and lettuce because its not really flavoured, and i managed to eat an orange on Tuesday and a small amount of potato and have kept it down since
That's good, happy to hear that...I think you are on your way to feeling better.
okay so earlier today i was job hunting with my dad and i was feeling much better, now i've gone all shaky and feeling nauseas again - not tried eating, would eating help since all i've had today is one plain cracker and part of a banana?
Oh that's not enough nourishment. Also remember
to hydrate and drink water.. By all means have something light but eat.
I've been drinking plenty of water just not eaten much, I think this is one of the main problems as my stomach feels like it needs to rumble and I keep shaking
Absolutely in that your body needs nourishment as well as hydration The shaking can come from drops in your sugar level. Rumbling is just a sign from our bodies, saying "hey you forgot to feed me today"
i'm going to sip a peppermint tea to try calm my stomach then i'll try have some food and i'm mad tired as well, i've got my boyfriend coming over as well which might improve my mood haha - thank you for the quick replies btw you're a star
Update: ate some duck in a little duck pancake, some cucumber and some boiled rice and almost threw it back up but it didn't come up - now feeling sick again.
itshOlly, just saw your response. Try going back to peppermint tea and relax some with your bf.
Duck , as delicious as it might be, is heavier than chicken or turkey. Feel better soon. x
yeah i'm going to try more peppermint tea - i've taken some more kaolin and morphine medicine to try curb the nausea as it has peppermint oil in it as well - going to get ready for bed and lay in the dark with my fan on and try get more sleep i think, thank you x
update - slept though the night without waking up and have eaten a full banana and i'm feeling a lot better!
so this went away after 6 days and i lost 7 pounds, i was fine since started eating more to make up for the weight i lost - then all of a sudden after my meal last night i started feeling sick again and haven't been able to shift it 24 hours later - i have been to a salon today and felt fine then and also a job interview and was fine and it's come back again after it all - i know i'm stressed that i haven't got a job (i finished uni this year so it's been stressful) but i'm starting to think its stress/anxiety related now