Iam sick to death of this anxiety, every day is a battle of trying to relax, trying to do things day by day that are normal by going out of my home which I hate,I was avin an ok day yesterday probrably best I've had past 3 weeks I've had this anxiety.then last night I started to feel how I felt 3 weeks ago when it all started, I was in bed shaking, avin hot and cold sweats, not being in control of my mind and body, feeling sick, and being very anxious and panicky, that was it then when I was asleep I kept waking up and feeling the same.and I've been sleeping fine not a problem,today I'm still in my dressing gown, I don't even want to leave my home.my mum had to take my son to school as I couldn't get out of bed I felt like crap and exhausted because of what I went through last night took it out of me. I feel like I've started all over again and i feel so down, I don't want to be so down it turns into depression.its my honey moon in July n we've paid a lot for it,I don't want to ruin it for my husband never mind myself so now I'm panicking incase in 3 months I'll still be like this 😒😒😟
Back to square one ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¡ðŸ˜¡: Iam sick to death... - Anxiety Support
Back to square one ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¡ðŸ˜¡

Hi Melanie,  it sounds like you are going through the "what ifs" three months down the road.   You say it all started 3 weeks ago, is that by any chance when you made reservations for your honeymoon?  When ever big events are coming up or something is written in stone, our anxiety thoughts tend to take over making us feel we are right back to square one with panic.Â
No we booked this in February and was so excited. My mum thinks it's everythin I've done past 12 months, I got engaged, planning a wedding,moving house at the same time, got married plus my son wasn't well on n off n going through his little 8 year old monkeyness, plus I do worry a lot, I even worry about things I shouldn't worry about and sometimes it isn't even my problem. I worry if I'm earning enough at work making sure I have enough money in my wage.just not sure what it is n it's that that I can't get my head around xx
I know this won't las forever I have family members that have been worse then what Iam with anxiety and are fine now, so there must be a light at the end of a tunnel somewhere..what do you think xx
Wow Melanie, you certainly have had a lot of things going on this year. Life changes always come with anxious moments. You have had a lot of life changes even though good still works up your anxiety. You sound like a woman with a good head on her shoulders in making a good life for your family. In your case, I don't believe this will last forever either. The light at the end of the tunnel will be you having a wonderful life loving and caring for your 8y.o.  Put your dreams and hopes for the future in your child. Learn to use different methods of relaxation every day to quiet your mind and body. When you get that OMG feeling of anxiousness, you will be better prepared to turn it around into a positive thought.  I wish you so much happiness my dear. x
Thank you that's very helpful. It's weird what I'm going through, one day I'll AV say a bad morning but as the day passes by night I'm avin a good night but then the next day I'm avin a good day (like today) an off night (I've had worse nights but I'm not feelin as great as what I was). Do you ever get this or is it just me,all in my head over thinkin it getting myself worked up n getting myself into this state? I'm sorry I know ur not a medical person but I've seen a few of ur replies n there all great aswel as Agora1 off course