Me again. On the some real talk. I am so caught up in my situation it's driving me nuts inside. I woke up feeling dreadful and worried and now my day is full of intrusive thoughts and worries. I pretty much stayed in bed as much as I could because these stupid ass fears of mine has me feeling that when I get up I'll feel weak. Partly due to last night I started getting weak as night fall came. I laid in bed felt kind of ill like body aches and upset stomach so I started worrying about it. Fell asleep with worry on my mind. Woke up feeling already dreadful. And i can't seem to shake it off. Now I've got mild headaches that won't leave. I tried to stand up and got really lightheaded. Had to close my eyes to cut the dizziness out before I continued to try and walk. Now I'm back to thinking I have some underlying illness that is attacking my brain as to why I feel like this. This head fullness, head pressure. My mood has been down ever since I woke up. The shakiness in my hands. Now I'm a straight nervous wreck today. I hope I can dig deep and find a way to distract my mind to feel a little better.
One minute I'm ok the next I'm not - Anxiety Support
One minute I'm ok the next I'm not

I know how horrible this can be. This is just another side effect of anxiety. I tend to call mine down day s. I usually feel down on these days and dont want to do anything, i will just want to lay in bed. Iys best to tell someone close to you so they can try to cheer you up because you vant cheer yourself up. My main point is, dont worry its okay you will be back to normal again soon!
Kelsey-Grace xoxo
I experience the same as yours.I began to hate waking up in the morning coz the feeling I experience that someone is pulling my head back with dizziness that is barely leave me on my own.I have that feeking that iam not controlling my legs.I thought I had something underneath.I fear of walking alone in the crowd.I uses to he a very creative active personality but always had those two voices of me in every single moment uncontrollable.I am persuaded that my symptoms how they began all of a sudden but they kept persuading me that they r cumulative til explosion.I want to get my life back.I want me.but still trying.every hour of the day with a new symptoms lastly leg stifness upon walking.face tension and tingling that don't leave.I hope we could get better soon .
Hope u fell better to day a get like that to am ok in bed but when a get up it hits me as a need to go througth it all again same as every day still got the weird thoughts that am going to die
Hi Icanbeathis
Read your post about light headedness etc from yesterday and wondert if your any better today? I'm feeling those symptoms tonight and I'm overwhelmed by the light headedness and upset tummy, struggling tbh.x

Well I still have dizziness like when I got up to walk about in the house the slight dizziness is there. Brain feels strained and the mild headaches are there. I don't know if it's still ongoing from yesterday or because subconscious I'm still worried and I guess my anxiety us still there. But it's not as bad because I'm not so down feeling like yesterday. That's what makes it all worse if I'm in a down mood.
Yeah I can relate to that, it's so exhausting having these symptoms, no wonder depression and anxiety go hand in hand, I've always felt fear if I get dizzy always freaks me out when I get it,I'd rather have.pain than dizziness/light headedness