Chest pains its like im sitting down could feel the pain then i breath it goes away then it comes back like on and off and my heart beats hard and slowly then fast certain idk what going on with me im not even thinking about anything but i aim worrrying alot about it especially of my hesrt just dont wannadie then tell me we found what was wrong after it happen like its just getting tierd this mostyl a everyday thing idk why espiecally i get up from bed or siting down right away shortness of breath then i take deep breath because i feel my heart trying to pump hard and fast on me like i dont get it ehat its is i just might see another cardiologist even doe the first did alot of test and everything was alright just had a little bit of arrythmia but not a dangerous one he says but still i feel like stuff is getting worst and worst and also pressure while im laying down at times or even sitting up i dont get it but it comes and goes like i said on off idk its really wierd it has to be something wrong.
chest pains feel like sooner or later soem... - Anxiety Support
chest pains feel like sooner or later soemthing will happen docters pribably are not looking at the test right becauce still feel it .

Does it feel like your chest needs to be cracked? Sometimes the chest walls get swollen and it's painful. Happens to me all the time.
It could be muscle pain, where you are holding yourself tense all the time.
You are thinking too much Johnnie, you need to try and distract yourself and let your heart do it's own thing.
If the Doctors have said your heart is fine, you have to believe them, they have done lots of tests you say.
When we are not suffering anxiety, we just get on with our daily life not thinking about aches and pains or our hearts all day long. This is what you have to try and do, even if at first it's just for half an hour, put some music on your headphones, call a friend, google something you like to do, or somewhere you'd like to travel ...and not health issues.
I t isn't easy and I promise you I am not making light of your situation by any means. But it's only you that can do this. I have my own thing going on....We all have to do it for ourselves.
J xx