So i was just laying down in my bed and out no where i got this spasm twiching on my heart i saw it moving the left side right where my heart i thought i was my heart moving like that out no where i touched my chest to see if its my heart and then out no where my head felt wierd and felt like i was loosing my breath like i could breath i got up from bed my heart started going super fast like really fast then 3 minutes later or 4 it start to calm down i took my my blood pressure it said 113 80, and pulse 83 like it calm down but now im a little worried i thought i was about to die or have a heart attack lately i been having spasms and twiching on my chest where my heart and really nervous feeling that my head feels wierd dont know but i feel like something really is wrong with my heart and docters probably aint doing they job right even doe i saw more then 7 already plus a cardiologist that did alot of test but that was about two months ago or three already i feel like something really wrong somtimes i feel like a squeezing feeling or pressure i dont know how to explain it then when it goes away like a joke it comes out of no where all the symthoms hit me with out even knowing then i get really worried plus the one that im really thinking about is my pulse behind my legs i could feel them beating in back of my legs and body twiching and head twiching sometimes with out even knowing like my body isnt relax .
feeling a little bit nervous with just hap... - Anxiety Support
feeling a little bit nervous with just happen to me.

It's probably just muscle spasm
Have you not took your medicine that your prescribed yet
yeah i get them on my legs to sometimes or shoulder may i ask i feel my pulse beating behind my legs at times should i worry ? and not yet im seeing the docter tommarow to start me off with 10mg paxil
Yes you really need to start the Paxil...
no that's a good thing, you have good blood flow through your legs
yeah think so i shouldnt worry about it ? i guess its really my nervous this driving me nuts
Hey buddy, honestly i feel you shouldnt take Paxil. Anti depressants dont cure anxiety bro.. all it does is camoflauge your symptoms and when you dont take it anymore your anxiety symptoms come back triple times harder. Paxil made my life a living hell, it made me very moody and mean. I was always hungry, sweating all the time and in the course of 5 yrs i gained 50 pounds from it smh. Anxiety is best treated with cognitive therapy to my opinion. Your anxiety doesnt seem overboard like everyone else and i dont think u need meds. U just need reassurance that youre fine and finding the root cause of your anxiety. Please do not enter the world of antidepressants man. This is just my opinion, they arent magic pills that make anxiety go away.
No I wouldn't worry about it. Your okay 🙂