So, I have been attempting to induce lactation because of my impending adoption. I wanted so badly to breastfeed this new baby like i did my biological son 10 years ago. Regiment requires wearing a birht control patch constantly (instead of 3 weeks on, 1 week off). I've been doing that for 5 weeks.
I have had a few anxiety attacks out of nowhere since - for no reason whatsoever.
This past Tue I went in for an orthroscopic knee repair on my right knee. This is the second on that knee - my third total. I had a panick attack in the prep area - mild -w hen they took my glasses and put the oxygen in my nose - it just triggered something. But they assured me I'd soon get some meds that would make me relaxed to prep me for surgery . They did and it did.
Post surgery I was good. Went home, took my prescribed hydrocodone (2 every 4 to 6 hours). Next day, woke up.. took 2 more (wnated to before hte pain would kick in).
Well.. about an ahour or so later I had a massive panic attack. I didn't like the "feeling" the codone was having - and it triggered a massive anxiety panick attack. I couldn't sit down (although I shouldn't have been walking much) which made it worse, I was hot.. I was just a mess. It eventually calmed some, but ever since then I have been having major panick attacks.
I removed the patch on Wed because I am pretty sure that the hormones were contributing. I had anxiety while pregnant and post partum. I later confirmed with my doctor and she said that it is most likely that and that the drugs from the surgery excacerbated the anxiety I was getting from t he hormone levels.
i'm a little better - but I'm still having these crazy attacks. over nothing.. my stomache gets in knots and I feel an urge to just run or move like Ive got to get up. I have a headache as a result of the constant tension. And it's stupid thoughts that trigger it - which make me think I'm crazy. Like, I was sitting thinking about what I was going to make for dinner and hte thought of food just set me off in this weird anxiety.. like WHY?
Am I crazy - why are such stupid thoughts I know are irrational making me feel this way and HOW do you make it stop. It's dumb things like - oh I have to go do my knee excercises now - or what am I giong to eat for dinner - do I have anything - will I like it- is it dry? WTH!!!!
Doc said if not better by monday I should go to my general doc and get something to help me... but I am really just so freaked out. I want to cry .. I want to scream. I feel like I'm nuts.. I think I'm actually having anxiety about a possible anxiety attack which is causing more anxiety -
How to make it stop!