After a. long period of stress . I have fallen by the wayside again feel fear all the time . I am taking paroxetine 40 mg for years. Dont want to live like this anymore. I am having counselling.
Anxiety / depression: After a. long period... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety / depression

Hi corsaUMM, Many times after being on a medication for years, it stops being productive. This would be a good time to talk it over with your doctor about possibly switching drugs. I know for those of us suffering from anxiety, that is one big issue to handle. Since you are feeling fear again, I would guess this is the cause. Counseling will help you thru this change as well. I know how difficult it is to fall back again. I wish you well.
Totally agree however GP said I have to come off this drug first. Having been addicted to Ativan and suffering the most horrific withdrawal effects imaginable I just cannot do this if it was just a week okay might manage but am terrified catch 22 really
Hi corsa, it was Ativan that I came off of 2 years ago. I used the Dr. Ashton's method of withdrawal. It was done slowly using valium as the transfer drug until I finally was on neither Ativan Or Valium. I actually feel good. I had been left on small dose of Xanax for 30 years, then when it no longer worked, I was given Ativan but that did nothing for me. That's when I decided to withdraw from benzos completely. Ask me any questions that may come up with getting off Ativan or at least I can support you through the withdrawal period. xx
Agora1 I stopped taking Ativan in 1983. Would like to change my paroxetine to another anti depressant BUT have to stop these in order to do that that's what I can't face I came off Ativan cold Turkey absolutely horrendous.
Oh, I understand. That was quite a learning experience you must have gone through, stopping cold turkey.
As for the paroxetine (Paxil), I'm sorry I don't know what
the protocol is for getting off antidepressants. Don't know
if there is a transfer drug or the weaning process. Your
doctor should give you the safest way possible to eliminate
that drug from your body before putting you on something
Agora 1.. Thanks To be honest the Ativan experience
was horrifying and I was just told to stop it. HELL!!
Well done you , a professor told me it is harder to come off than Heroin. I will talk to my Gp and see what she suggests.
Hi corsa, even substituting was horrific because I had been on benzos for too many years. I heard that too, that it is harder to come off than Heroin. Hard to believe isn't it? I'm glad you will be seeing your GP. Let me know how you do and the process used. I still want to get off Lexapro before I start having problems. Have a good day