I have only joined this site today and read a handfull of comments, and almost all of them have mentioned alcohol.It seems there's a lot of self-medicating or plain old "running away/hiding" going on.
I have had anxiety/depression as long as I can remember. I am also a recovering alcoholic.
Drinking will only make your condition worsen,but only 100% of the time. It's a vicious circle that lead me to the brink of destitution and suicide.It produced paranoia, temporary schizophrenia and suicidal ideation.
If you have the slightest concern about the amount you are drinking see your g.p. immediately.
I'm 47 and nearly lost everything and wasted my life.
Now I am sober my viewpoint has turned 180. I'm physically and mentally improving every day.I have recently begun a course of sertraline and despite the side effects I can see the positve.
There's a lot of good people out there ready to help you. There are various agencies specifically there for you.Ask your g.p. he/she can refer you. Engage as much as you can and get free. Remember, people can and do get better all the time.You might not be able see this from where you are and it can all seem hopeless but that is just the illness talking.
Enjoy your drink if you like one but don't use it as a solution. It isn't and it can be deadly.