So I got bit by a chihuahua 3 weeks ago it was a small bite through my sock on my ankle. The bite does not hurt and there is no pain around the bite, but I keep getting the worst anxiety about this bite like I'm going to die of rabies or something. I have googled so much information on this subject and found that its highly unlikely to contract rabies from a domesticated pet but I still can't think what if. The dog was a family pet around children and the lady picked him up and held it after it happened so the dog was probably not rabid. I basically have this anxiety because I have been unable to reach these people after this incident because I didn't realize I was bleeding until I got home. I called the people but they never returned my calls. Now here it is 3 weeks later I can't help bit think something is wrong and my anxiety comes and goes, sometimes I'm perfectly fine and the next second I'm freaking out about it.
Dog bite anxiety going in for 3 weeks now - Anxiety Support
Dog bite anxiety going in for 3 weeks now

I think but I am not a Doctor but if you were bitten 3 weeks ago and something was wrong you would have known by now
Are you up to date with your tetanus injections , if so that usually covers us for dog bites
Have a word with your Doctor , I am sure they will put your mind at ease x

Thank you, any reassuring words help me right now. I have always have major health anxiety and something such as a dog bite puts it into high gear. I was doing alright and then last night I got an email from the apartment complex where this happened and they claim they can't get a hold of the people either. I think that email triggered a whole new set of " what if" questions for me.
Yes I understand , I have also had Health Anxiety for years and do ok till something triggers it of , but 2 things I would do in your situation is firstly try & get that sensible part of our brains we all gave to try & think realistic that after 3 weeks we would normally no if something was wrong , in fact within a couple of days if not less I think we would but after that I would just check in with my Doctor to put my mind at ease as once they had clarified they thought everything would be fine I would work on letting the fear go .....until knowing me another one might come along x