Help- Anxiety about having anxiety... - Anxiety Support

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Help- Anxiety about having anxiety...

Taylor494 profile image
8 Replies

Hello everyone,

I am a 20 year old female who for the past 4 months I have been suffering with anxiety (I know, not a long time but it feels like eternity to me) and it has come to a point where it's effecting my whole life. I'm in danger of losing my job because I kept having anxiety attacks at work and I don't know how to cope with them so end up feeling like I have no choice but to go home.

My biggest "fear" with anxiety is how it makes me feel, I'm worrying about being sick, passing out and having a pounding heart palpitations. I work on a shop floor and often when I'm serving customers I'll panic because I start to feel unwell (I'm sure this is just the anxiety). I have no idea how to control the anxiety though as it just comes out of nowhere, even when I, not thinking about it.

I've just started taking Sertraline 50mg within the last couple of days, I have experienced some negative side effects such as sickness and headaches, but I have read that the first week is the hardest and then things start to get better. Is anyone else on this medication? Please tell me they are magic little pills that's ends this torture?

I'm basically just seeing what advice everyone has about how I can get my life back.

Thanks in advanced!

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Taylor494 profile image
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8 Replies
689908 profile image


I am a 40 year old Male & have never taken pills for anxiety but I've done a few things that have helped. I have a 'safe place' at work that I can go to & take 30-60 seconds to gather myself. I usually put my mobile phone to my ear & pretend I am on a call. I know you probably don't have that luxury but identifying one area where you feel safe may help.

I also drink a cup of cold water every now & again. I find it slows my heart from beating fast and almost 're-boots' me.

These are just two small tricks. I have only suffered anxiety problems the last 4-5 years since a traumatic event in my life and I just try to take care of myself when I feel problems coming on.

Hope this helps.

Taylor494 profile image
Taylor494 in reply to 689908

Thank you for replying.

Yeah I try to keep a bottle of water near me at all times, I find that helps, especially as I get such a dry mouth as well. Good idea about the 'safe place' I will try this tomorrow when I return to work.... >.<


Just to say I have read your post and I too take Sertraline, a higher dose, than you, but most of the time they keep me on an even keel.

I do hope you can keep going to work, can you talk to anybody at work? Can you take a break from your work, I used to do that, go to the loo and deep breathe. Try some meditation and do you do any sportxx

Taylor494 profile image


Luckily my manager is pretty understanding and she allows me extra breaks, sometimes I feel worse though cause all I do in my break is sit and think about how anxious I am and then starts the vicious circle of panic.

I'm taking up a Pilates and relaxation class. I have been trying to go for walks to get out of the house. Do you find exercising helps?

Thanks for replying

in reply to Taylor494


Exercise helps greatly, it burn the adrenaline off, relaxes you and you have to be in the now, to concentrate on the activity.

Glad you are going to pilates and relaxation classes, let us know how you go on.

I practice yoga, the meditation part is such a good help for me.

Good luck. xx

Carri477 profile image


Anxiety is such a powerful overwhelming disorder. I took mental health for granted till it happened to me a year ago- no time matters whether it's a day or ten years it's relevant to you and it's an exhausting mental battle that is at times all consuming.

My best advice is seek counselling to get your thoughts out . At work when feeling the sumptoms practise the 7/11 breathing game - relax shoulders concentrate on taking a deep breath in for 7 and breath out slowly for 11 to help reset your breathing repeat this till

You feel calm.

My other tips are fresh air, herbal tea and exercise as hat releases endorphins. Don't avoid the attacks go with them and feel them as scary as they can be you will get to know your triggers and then you can process what's happening .

Most important talk about it and get help don't jide from it hit it head on x

kristal profile image

Hello my name is kristal am 24 I started on oct I went to emergency room cuz I thought I was having a stroke cuz my numbness but no so neXT day I made appointment with the doctor that's went he told me I had anxiety so gI've me pills but I haven't take them I get really tired or sometimes I feel am short of breath or my pulse goes really slow o feel am having a heart attack I use to get numbness in my head or feel presure I can't even sleep sometime s headaches ..the most every day went I eat or go to the store I feel so dizzy that feel like am going pass out work I get it worse I just started working is like I can't breathe that I need to get out get some air I can't stay still feel so dizzy .. is like I can't control my own body .. ; (

shoppaholicsue profile image

The anxiety is about showing yourself up in public. The dry mouth you get is a symptom too. When you feel the anxiety getting hold say "bring it on!"

get a "safe place" -a real one - and get one in your head too. A relaxing beach with the sun beating down, a tranquil stream on the woods, or whatever takes your fancy. imagine yourself there, relaxing.


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