Hi everyone I'm a 42 year old male I've had constant anxiety attacks for the last month I think I've had everything wrong with me you can think of I've been to the er several times had cat scans done blood work ultra sound I've been having terrible belly problems all of a sudden I started having a lot of gas then felt like belly was really tight and bloated then every morning feel like I constipated everything I eat seems to bloat me really bad now the last few days feels like I'm having trouble peeing I'm having to make my self go but at night when I get up I'm Abel Togo fine I haven't been drinking as much as I'm used to have cut out all sodas pretty much just drinking a lot of water and laying off all the junk foods if anyone can help me please give me some input thankyou
Questions about anxiety: Hi everyone I'm a... - Anxiety Support
Questions about anxiety

Don't worry, that's all anxiety. I just turned 30 and have struggled with this off and on since I was 14. I bet I've had every symptom imaginable. The last few months, I've had more anxiety than I've ever had and it caught up to me. I managed to get walking pneumonia (thankfully, it's mild. No fever, white blood count good, etc) But because of my constant hypochondria and complaints of symptoms, no one believed it to be more than anxiety when I told them I felt really fatigued and that something else was going on. So, I've been facing my fears--literally. Everything you're experiencing is anxiety that's just out of control. And the more you worry about one symptom, it capitalizes and forms other symptoms and creates that vicious cycle. It can be SO hard! But you have to think your way out of the cycle! You have to continually debunk it. If you are finding yourself thinking all the time on a certain symptom or "why is this happening? Why did that happen?" , it will be hard to break out of. Stay reassured that there is nothing wrong with you, that this is common for anxiety. Especially if your tests came back normal, you are good to go! What have you to worry about? When a symptom hits, speak to it! Speak to the anxiety and tell it that it may present itself but it's not going to control you--tell it to do it's thing and you're going to do you're thing. It just means you have a very busy mind. a good website is calmclinic.com (If that web address is wrong, let me know and I will look it up and get you the right address) They literally address nearly every possible anxiety symptom/scenario. Hope this helps.
Thank you for replying back I've got an appointment tommorow to have gall bladder checked then urologist on Wednesday then got colonoscopy scheduled for next Thursday
You're welcome! I pray everything turns out normal. That's the process of elimination. If those come out normal, then you know it's just anxiety. Try not to worry. Everything will be okay.
Thank Misty I just read your reply to someone else but I will check out the site also. Ive been dealing with this for over 10 years. But the last few days I find are rough. My chest is tight, and alittle bit of pain here and there. It feels heavy sometimes. And I find that I feel light headed sometimes and under my left rib cage is sore abit....Of course when you mention the more you think about it the worse you make it well thats so true....Thats all I think about...I have an appointment with my family doctor on dec 10 and tell him about my symptoms again...i have been on oxyzepam for the 10 years when needed and that helps...it really takes your fears away and calms you down...I also find lately that I constipated until something triggers my aniexty and I get worried then it turns into the runs....lol...its so nice to have someone else to talk to
Oh, you're so welcome! I'm glad I could be of any help! I'm going through it too! I've had walking pneumonia (not a bad case and my blood was great other than testing positive for it) and it has thoroughly made me face my health anxiety fears. The doctor told me the other day the stuff is gone and I am good but I still obsess over it and worry. I've noticed the symptoms change. Today it has been the shortness of breath ordeal. Feeling like I can't clear my throat and short of breath--it has been my focus today whereas yesterday it was something else. Everything you're feeling is most definitely anxiety. I have had all that as well. In fact, today I've had chest burning and tightness and it's hard to tell whether it's anxiety or remnants of my crud I've had the last few weeks. But since it disappears when I forget about it, I think it's anxiety related. I'm glad you're seeing the doctor on the 10th. Maybe all you need is a new medicine to try. And don't you just love the constipation and the runs hahaha?! I mean, you worry about the constipation so much that when your body finally says "Fine!! Here it is!" And dumps it out there, then you worry about the consistency haha! Have to laugh at our mindsets. For whatever reason, our brains are wired this way. BUT, they CAN be retrained. We may always be susceptible to anxiety but we don't have to be consumed by it. And yes, it is SO nice to have people to talk to about this. My husband and family have been exhausted of my health anxiety talk lol.
Thank Misty I just read your reply to someone else but I will check out the site also. Ive been dealing with this for over 10 years. But the last few days I find are rough. My chest is tight, and alittle bit of pain here and there. It feels heavy sometimes. And I find that I feel light headed sometimes and under my left rib cage is sore abit....Of course when you mention the more you think about it the worse you make it well thats so true....Thats all I think about...I have an appointment with my family doctor on dec 10 and tell him about my symptoms again...i have been on oxyzepam for the 10 years when needed and that helps...it really takes your fears away and calms you down...I also find lately that I constipated until something triggers my aniexty and I get worried then it turns into the runs....lol...its so nice to have someone else to talk to
Well I went to my urology appt today yesterday the er doctor told me my prostate was enlarged so then today the urologist told me it was normal all he could find was dehydrated i still came home and started thinking the worse again ive just wore my self out no sleep not. Eating or drinking I just feel like poo but everything has turned up good I have stomache problems hurt in my lower back tight in my chest just feel like you dont know what to do
Hi cook stress and anxiety are apparently linked to a lot of stomach issues. I've had anxiety for the last 10 years and over the last 3 or 4 years had a lot of excess stomach acid to the point the reflux causes ear and throat issues. It may just be a little to much acid in your stomach at the mo
hope everything's ok with the tests
Hi Cookjames, it's always advisable getting other tests to rule out that isn't a physical cause. Of course, you can have both, physical and anxiety problems. They can feed into each other as well. I am the same, nervous about taking any new medicines. But of course, you won't know if you try them. Sometimes I take less the first time I try something new, if it's possible to do that. Best wishes.
Hi cook if I'm taking new meds I get someone to read the side effects for me and that way I don't worry too much about taking them. If I start to feel strange or anything at least someone knows what to look out for. I suppose if you are worrying about going to toilet it can affect you that way. I'd speak to the urologist and just see what they say. Hope the meds help you.