I think I'm going to chill out about my anxiety full stop. ive had a fear of medication just like whywhy but have today started to take my meds today for a infection in my gum !! and have decided that this will not make me feel bad and they haven't ether ( think I have been living in fear ) and that if my nurse wants me to take any medication I will but as of yet she is still of the opinion that I'm better of without them, I hope she is right and I do believe her when she says I will get better!! ( thought it might be sooner rather than later thou ) but I think I'm going to just let it be as its part of me anyway I will do what I can by going to the gym and eat nice but healthy food etc etc but most of all I'm just going to stair at it In the face and say Stu chill be happy it will pass one day, Ive come to far now not to, I'm doing a lot Maybe a bit to much but it's going to take time and that's that.
Thanks to the person who status was about counselling it was an eye opener but above all this website you guys Thankyou hope you all have a nice eve and the sun just come out