Hello all, I am a 28 year old female who has recently been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety/panic. Ever since this all started about 5 months ago I live in constant fear or having a heart attack, everyday all day I check my pulse and everything, I seem to have new pains everyday that make me think today will be the day I just want to feel better and to be back to my normal self. I have been on medication for this for 13 weeks and still don't feel relief. Will this never get better?? I feel I'm losing hope.
Constant fear of heart attacks: Hello all, I... - Anxiety Support
Constant fear of heart attacks

Hi love I can relate to u so much.I too feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack everyday too. I feel like I look out for pains and don't even think the pains r there half the time. It's a horrible feeling is depression and anxiety. I'd love to know how to cure it xxx
So hard to enjoy life like this and I dont even know where any of this came from. Why the sudden fear. I hope we can figure this out soon. Xx
I'm so sorry! I can relate to you. Have you thought about just getting an ekg or just seeing a dr to relieve some of your fears? This is a very common fear in anxiety. You are very young so there is little chance of anything being wrong! Try to divert your attention to something else the second you feel these thoughts coming on! Thoughts are very much like habits, we do it without thinking so we have to be aware and stop them early! It takes practice. It will get easier if you keep directing your focus elsewhere. it does get better. Just keep trying!
Hiya, know exactly how you're feeling. We tend to focus more on things that people wouldn't focus on if they weren't suffering from anxiety. It's horrible but I think 9 times out of 10 these pains are muscular. You can try Kalms they're hit and miss for me but if you get a good batch you'll be good
Hi Jenner, I was exactly the same for a year and half, I have just come through the other side and feel great, but it as been a tough battle. I have had every health check known to man all came back clear, I have been in hospital over night on a heart machine and also had the heart monitor on for a week, the specialist said it was Definately all caused by my anxiety, I was on a Daily basis thinking I was going to have a heart attack which in turn brought on a panic attack, then I was always thinking I was dying because I had a bad illness, it was an awful time for me and my family, I lost my appetite and lost a lot of weight. The good news is I went to see a councilor who has been fantastic and she also suggested I get hypnotised and I did, and 5 months after seeing her I am now back to how I was before all this started, I no longer feel anxious and panicky, I don't feel like I'm dying all the time, I have gained my weight back and she as taught me how to deal with all these things and also the hypnosis as done wonders for calming me right down, I only went twice, it was amazing. I know these things don't work for everyone, but I had to share with you because they did for me and it was my last resort because I really did feel like I was going crazy. Once my councilor got yo the bottom of want caused this in the first place we could start moving forward.
I wish you all the very best and never give up because there is a light at the other end and it really can get better, it just took a lot of determination on my side. You will get there believe me xxx
I think honestly you would be better off going to the doctors and telling them your medication isn't helping you. With stuff like this I think you need to tackle the anxious feelings than going to get checked out as sometimes with anxiety even when we do get checked out and everything is ok, there's either something else the next week or you think we'll "what if they didn't check properly? What if something has changed?" And the worrying starts all over again!
My therapist told me to deal with the anxiety rather than what your anxious about as the anxiety is most often the real problem hope that makes sense!
I hope you feel better soon it is so horrible feeling anxious all the time.
Sending hugs your way!
Iv`e felt this way since I was 15, when my mother developed angina. She was only in her early 40`s, & with a family history like that, it`s hardly surprising. I hate my mother for giving me her awful genes. I don`t yet have heart disease, but doctors always quote family history as being the biggest risk factor, so I think that I`m condemned by my unfortunate genes.
I feel the exact same way and after reading these replys I c we all have the same things going on! That's y I'm so happy I found this site, it helps me keep calm n know that there is nothing wrong with me, so now when I'm having a attack I try my hardest 2 ignore it and breath through it! Now don't get me wrong sometimes I do have 2 takes meds n go 2 sleep cause its just 2 bad! But I'm praying u feel better and whenever you need to talk I'm here!