I already don't want to exist as is. The amount of effort that it would take to get a psychiatrist just so I can get my brain to an okay level sounds ridiculous. On top of that I don't have any friends that I would consider trustworthy. I don't have any family that I can rely on either. I don't work or go anywhere, I just live with my mom and stay in my bedroom because my anxiety is so bad that I'm too afraid to go outside.
There's nothing keeping me here. I find no pleasure in anything and I've tried. I try to watch comedy shows but I only recognize the joke. I can't laugh or smile or get it to reach me in any capacity. I've been miserable for this entire year and I'm running out of stuff to distract myself with.
I was already hospitalized, I already talked to my ex therapist and ex psychiatrist before I fired them. They didn't help and seemed to have an agenda on their own. I wasn't being heard so I left and now I can't find a new one. I don't know what to do anymore. I just sit and scroll online because it's all I have energy for but even then, I find myself setting my phone down and just sitting in silence. It's not just a lack of pleasure when listening to music or doing anything. I'm entirely uncomfortable and repulsed. I can't tolerate basic things anymore. Listening to music used to be an energy free leisurely activity for me but now it's just noise and I can't stand to hear it. I feel that way with everything. I can't even take a walk to "calm down" because that's a stressor too.
I'm not really looking for anyone to dump advice and ideas on me because I have already talked myself out of everything. I'm just wondering if anyone has ever been in a place where they didn't see a point and reality agreed. Depression tells me that no one in my family loves me and logically that is true. How am I supposed to feel better when I have absolutely no resources and no support system. I've been depressed for 12 years, it's impossible for me to keep relying on myself when I'm this sick but I really don't have any help.
People tell me to get better for myself but I don't even know who I am fully. I love myself and I know I'm a smart kind person but this is not sustainable for me.