Professional help currently isn't available, hotlines don't work and I don't have family or friends. All I can do right now is wait for an opening and try to take care of myself but that feels impossible. I cried doing my hair yesterday, I fight back tears when I have to get out of bed, eating feels like a chore, and the process of cleaning my room never gets completed because I end up sitting on the floor halfway through.
If this was laziness, you'd think I'd be enjoying it. But it's not. I'm just exhausted in every way. Sometimes I don't have the energy to verbally respond when someone speaks to me and when I do, I go on autopilot.
There isn't anything that sounds tolerable right now. I've watched so many movies in the past 4 months because I've been depressed and it's very quickly gotten old. I feel so much disdain just sitting up in bed and I haven't touched a video game in months because it's so exhausting. Trying to do anything is frustrating and rightfully so. My brain is trying to tell me that something is wrong. It's screaming that it's depressed and lonely but I can't give it what it needs.
Talking to people online never works and my experiences have led me to not trust anyone even though I really want to. I don't want to waste my time catching a stranger up on how I feel only for them to get overwhelmed by me or say something insensitive. So for the most part, I've been alone and I am going to be alone for who knows how long.
I'm not looking for suggestions on what to do because I know there isn't anything I can do without wanting to cry. Distractions don't work. Mindfulness doesn't work. I don't even know what the point of this post is when it upsets me just to share things because I know I'm spending energy on something that won't help me in the long run. I'm forcing myself to talk and type at this point. I'm crying out from a place where almost no one will hear me and the ones that will, can't say much except, "Hang in there, it gets better. I care, you're loved" and even that feels like an insult.