Ever notice that your needs, when you're depressed, can vary dramatically based on whether you're introverted or extroverted? At least, it seems that way in my household.
I'm an extrovert, so when I'm depressed I seek out company, and attention. I want to talk to people about what's upsetting me, I want to be around people who like and care about me. I want to talk to people on a regular basis.
But everyone around me is an introvert - they all need alone time when upset or depressed.
It makes it hard to get my needs met, you know? I don't want to just call up strangers, because it's very awkward talking about a lot of this stuff for the first time and it's a crapshoot on whether any given person will understand, even more so when I can't pinpoint precisely what's wrong. Sometimes, I just need company, online or better yet in person.... yet I can feel everyone (understandably) getting more and more exhausted by keeping me company.
I can't even post about it most places, because if I go on social media it'll get back to them and make them feel like crap. It's just. Hard and depressing.