I feel so down. Like I'm so sad and feel so hopeless. Everything feels pointless. Tuesday, everything was fine. I felt great. But yesterday, today, I just feel like nothing and that nothing is worth it.
I don't wanna trouble my family or my guy with it either. It just feels like I'm a burden to them. Plus then they feel bad and like they aren't worth anything because I'm depressed even though they're here. They don't understand that it's just my mind.
Maybe it's the fact that I haven't been home in two weeks because I've been pet sitting for people. Maybe I'll feel better once I'm there. Or worse. Who knows.
I'm so tired and I've barely done anything today. Fed the cats, watered the plants. I haven't even been wanting to eat or drink. I literally have to force myself.
Ugh, I think I may go take a nap. I don't know though. I just wanna be better. I just wanna feel like life is worth it.