Hi, this is my first post, sorry for the brain dump but I just needed to see if anyone can relate, offer advice or just support.My husband has clinical depression and adhd. He's been taking antidepressants for 4 years, medical cannabis for 1-2year and adhd medicine for around 1 year. We've been married for 8 years, together for 12.
This weekend we are having an early Christmas with my family, we are spending Christmas day with his. My family live far away, so we have travelled to see them. I've been looking forward to this and everything was going great until we went out for lunch today. A family member said something that my husband didn't like. I could tell his mood flipped. From a fun day, it's turned into a day of me faking happiness around my family. When I really wanted to cry.
After the lunch, he's been in the bedroom all day. He hasn't come out for food or drink. He wouldn't come out to play the games I brought or open the presents my family got for him.
This isn't the first time something like this has happened but it's the first time when we have been with my family. I've been holding back tears all day because I don't want to ruin the day for my family but now I'm on my own I'm crying.
I've been seeing a therapist for over a year now because his depression meant he quit his job and I was under a lot of stress to pay rent, bills, food. My therapist often asks me if I think of ending the relationship. Times like this I do, I'm in a constant state of checking his mood, making sure he's happy so that I know it will be a good time. I just don't know if I can life like this for the rest of my life.