I don't really have access to a therapist. And I don't have anyone supportive physically around me. So I am trying to make to with the normal life at home. But it's getting difficult. My temper is getting bad. And I am not able to forget the past stuff, the unresolved stuff. I should be focusing on coming out of it, I have several moods in one day. I want to stop thinking about someone else and for once in life, learn to care about myself and work on myself. But I don't know how to. I deserve someone who would be there atleast, but that seems to be far fetched.
Little lost: I don't really have access... - Anxiety and Depre...
Little lost

Yeah I recently tried writing stiff down, it did help. But I am not able to do the walking, as I don't feel like getting up, going out.
If you wait till you feel like getting up, you will never go.Make yourself get out and walk. It is a natural antidepressant. Some days after I walk it feels like the lights have been turned on. Everything's brighter I feel so much better.
I see...I think I should give it a try. Make myself go out. Thanks

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I'm goung to be honest with you. You sound exactly like I did a year ago. As counterintuitive as it sounds, it's that "need" that we've been conditioned to "feeL", that "need" to have some one *else to lean on that holds us back in life and creates these negative emotions like anger and frustration. I went through that phase and had absolutely no one who cared. The irony is that when all the fake friends and hateful family members had finally all run for the hills for good and left me here to die all alone in a camper out inthe middle of nowhere, *that's when I finally found some *peace. i *believed that i needed "human connection" in my life to be *happy (I prefer the word 'content') but it turns out that's just not true. It's only *true if we *believe and since i have never been morecontent than i am right now (all alone in the world* too), i don't believe that lie anymore. Turns out that the "human connexction" in my life was the SOURCE of misery and not the cure for it. No way around it. Lol. Anyway, i made this video thinking it might be of some use for others who experience similar circumstances. youtube.com/watch?v=qco0NMr...
Thanks a lot for your share. Actually I don't have all fake friends, I have like mixed. And I recently went through some triggering experiences, and if I know one or two who can help, they are far away. And it might be complicated. But your thing about being independent is true. I just don't know how to do it.
First thing I really appreciate your honesty w yourself. I use my therapist virtually. Is that an option for you? I have seen significant help for me since I started seeing her.