I'm trying really hard to hold myself together. My depression is at the worst it has ever been in the last 15 years. I'm waiting to for my new meds while I ween off my current ones but it has been rough. I have three daughters, attend college online (almost done!), and run a business with my husband. I have no time for myself to decompress or relax. Sometimes all I want is a moment to myself to just sit and cry but I can't even do that.
My husband finally confronted me asking what my problem is. I have been completely open and honest about everything that has been going but he still doesn't understand. He is upset I am not happier and thinks I am snappier than usual. I have always been a pessimist. He says he feels he is walking on eggshells around me. I have been super careful to boost his ego and make sure he feels ok. I don't take anything out on him and I do all the homework help with our daughters. I take care of all the chores as well. I am careful not to nag. I only ask for help once if I absolutely need it. I don't know what more I can do.
I have no intention of self harm, but every time I am running errand I daydream of someone running into me so I don't have to hurt anymore. I just need a break I think. But I can't even afford a decent hot water heater to take a hot bath to relax. Does anyone have any tips to help me cope?