So I joined a week ago and I've been hesitant to post anything, though I did receive a few "welcome" messages. I didn't have a good experience with anxiety/chronic health group on facebook and I was recommended to try this site. So, are there any of you who suffer from multiple chronic health issues, chronic pains, mostly GI issues, that seem to perpetuate the vicious cycle of chronic pain-anxiety-depression cycle? I feel as if no one understands me and I've had everyone around me, family and friends, stop interacting with me because they feel "helpless and overwhelmed" with me. First they claim I don't even look like I'm experiencing chronic health and pain but once they talk to me, they then express that I'm too "overwhelming" and stressful for them. I've even expressed suicidal thoughts to family and friends and still they even ignore me even more so when that comes up. No pain medication seems to help over 6yrs, of daily persistent abdominal pains, challenging to eat or sleep. I've been on antidepressants for 6yrs and therapists and psychiatrists keep referring me to other therapists because they claim they can't help me either.
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Hi. It’s Shnookie. So sorry 😐 that U have these chronic pains. Perhaps if U implement deep breathing exercises, try meditation, listen to music U like, journaling, U can lower your anxiety level and this can lower your chronic pains.
Thanks for your suggestions, I wonder if there's a way I can edit my post to add some more details for others. I've actually worked with therapists and clinicians who specialize in mindfulness, meditation, all things you mentioned. They've agreed that my anxiety is not as severe and my pains must have more severe underlying causes. During marriage, with 2 kids under two, one of whom was born pre-maturely, later passed away and was revived, while I was working full time as a teacher and multiple side jobs, I was severely stressed, anxious, and deppressed which resulted in taking lots of pain-killers, hence my GI issues. During those times, when I was usually home alone with the kids, I experienced chronic pains, but not as severe as now. I'm less stressed, less anxious, yet my pains are much worse, weight loss, etc...This indicates that anxiety might be a factor but not a major one. All the breathing exercises, I've done have been of no help. Thanks and I'll keep up with the journaling and meditation etc...helps a little temporarily....
have you seen a gastroenterologist? If not you should do so, and get your GI tract thoroughly checked. This could include a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy unless you have already had these. You also might want to join the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) site on Health Unlocked. It is a very active site and many seem to have at least some issues that are similar to yours. The most important thing though is to see a gastroenterologist.
Painful GI issues are very difficult to live with as they can affect you 24 hours a day, can cause severe pain and cramping, cause a lot of difficult bathroom problems and cause problems with your diet. All of this then leads to depression and anxiety, or at least makes depression and anxiety much worse.
It is good you have come to Health Unlocked. Do try the IBS site and also keep talking about your difficulties on the Anxiety and Depression Site. There are a lot of kind people here who will talk and you may also find you can help others as well. x
Hi, thanks for your response. I wonder if there's a way to edit my main post. So I've been seeing GI doc for years and through several different exams, colonoscopy, double endoscopy, X-rays, ultrasound, I've been officially diagnosed with 6 GI issues IBS (from 21yrs ago) and 5 other conditions, as far back as 6years ago) and working with a nutritionist/holistic doctor, I've tried different diets. I've also been diagnosed with multiple non-GI issues (chronic headaches, osteo-arthritis in my joints from past injuries, sleep apnea (even with my uncomfortable cpap machine, I still often suffocate in my sleep), dental diseases, all of which contribute to the headache and stress. We do know some of those cause pains but my pains have worsened steadily over the years and none of the meds that usually help my diagnosed GI conditions actually help me, in addition to my weight loss, which indicate there must be another issue yet to be found, hence they are presuming there must be another more serious underlying condition (s). CT scan is next on the table.
Please see my response above to Shnookie regarding my experience with anxiety and what steps I've taken to mitigate them. I feel like I've tried everything, as confirmed by my PCP, GI nurses, therapists. I guess CT scan might/might not reveal something but yet to be discovered.
Sorry you are going through so much. In my opinion and from my experiences, stress and anxiety play a bigger part than we realize with our GI issues. I have had issues like this off and on for over 40 years. I was doing pretty good for a while, then I had a minor issue with a family member and it (stomach pain, etc.) came back. For me things get worse with conflict or when my health anxiety flairs up. I hope things get better for you soon!
Hi Louis-T ironically, I was just looking over your Welcome post andwas happy that you reached out again so we can address your concerns.
Reading your profile, I see that you are going through high stress issues
right now. That certainly is contributing to your daily Anxiety/Depression
as well as Chronic pain.
I can tell you that family and or friends who have not experienced mental health
issues, can't in the least understand what it is like. All of us here on this forum would
be the first to comfort you and care because we know what it's like. We know how
people can pull back after a while seeing you look capable and well. I think that always
hurt me the most. Almost like they thought I was making this all up.
I think it's unforgivable when the therapists and doctors seem to want to give up on us
as well. Just don't give up on yourself. In the long run, it will be your persistence in getting
better that will bring you back in control of your life.
Louis, it is not unusual for people going through immense mental stress to develop chronic
physical issues. Until the situation around you is addressed and accepted for what it is, your
body unfortunately will be taking the brunt of the stress.
I myself, had gotten to a point in life where I looked around one day and everyone was gone.
Gone, in that they seem to have given up on me. That is when I got tough with myself by
knowing deep inside I wasn't going to allow this. I would show them by showing myself that
I could and would get better.
And I did and I am now here to "pay it forward" by helping others like yourself get to the other side. Keep posting and responding to others by keeping the door of communication
open. Helping others can very well help yourself. Believe in Yourself. xx
Thanks for your kind words, Agora. I really don't know how often I'll post on here because I'm really hoping for a connection that will allow for continued discussion of life's challenges. It's difficult when new people respond without the background knowledge and I feel compelled to repeat my stories each time. Thanks for reading my profile because I've already had to mention that I've been officially diagnosed with conditions, which I imagine I might have to do quite often, or might feel offended if I don't respond to them. You've made really good, valid points, and might I add, as an African, my family not only do they ignore mental health but they actually go as far as mock me. I hope I don't sound too stressed in this response, it's a been a tough day, dealing with my ex wife and custody issues. Too much to process amidst the chronic pain and lack of eating and the sleep-deprivation.
I so hear you Louis-T you've got so much going on right now with situational anxietythat only tends to exascerbate the physical issues. It has helped me to better understand your position by you being here and explaining what's going on in your
I understand that the physical issues you have are real and have been diagnosed. It's
difficult for the therapists and physicians to separate the continuing pain when one hinges on the other. I've had GI issues in the past, I've had tremendous daily headaches
as well as developed Fibromyalgia. All of which were attributed to a stressful uncontrolled life.
Medication and Therapy were helpful at the beginning but after time went by with no
improvement, I had to find a way to change what I could and accept the fact that there were things I couldn't change. I went to YouTube where I started researching anything
I could with using the power of the mind . That is when I got into Meditation & Breathing each day. This is what changed my life. I might not have had control over my
life's situation but I had control over my mind and the thoughts it produced.
Pain Management, Self Hypnosis and Relaxation Meditation replaced my meds.
I lost credibility with family and friends who just did not understand mental health.
But I made the decision that it was time that this became about me helping myself.
I didn't have a forum when I was going through my struggles. I would advise you to
not leave this site. Use the gift that it is in helping you knowing there are others that
feel your pain. Together we share life's journey with each other. We learn from other's
experiences. Pick and choose what may work for you and leave the rest. This is the time
Thanks for your support, Agora. I'll try to stick to this site a little longer and try to be hopeful. I do suspect that the solutions I will encounter here would involve the power of the mind, which I've tried during my a 10-day stay in a mental health crisis center, strictly reserved for suicidal patients. Daily one-on-one therapy, mindfulness/meditation/breathing, etc...I do admit I didn't keep up with the practices when I was discharged and I ended up returning for a 2nd session of 10 more days, couple of months later. My therapist is suspecting I might be experiencing stomach cancer and so do some of my friends in health care. Hopefully CT will provide more answers but I do know after 7yrs of dealing with these multiple GI conditions, no amount of mindfulness has helped that's why I gave up.
Cultural differences also play a huge role. Therapists and psychiatrists (from my weekend admission in a psych ward, my 20 day stay in the mental health crisis center, 4yrs of therapy) none can really grapple how my African traditions, family expectations, my upbringing, etc...impact my current state of mind and health. My mother who is a nurse of 30+ yrs refuses to discuss my conditions with me or read even 1 medical report. I just spoke with my mother less than an hour ago and the result of each conversation I endure with her make it clear that she'll be better off without me. My sister knows of my suicidal ideations, but neglects to connect with me and if my mother ever found out, things would spiral out of control, drive me further downward....All the therapists and psychiatrists with whom I've consulted, seem to agree with me that without my 2 kids in my life, I really don't have much to motivate me to stick around...
Anyways....thanks for your kind words of encouragement and support. I'm still uncertain what I'll gain from joining this site, but it was worth a try.
I really appreciate you Agora1 for understanding and comforting the needy. I myself follow regularly your posts and get inspiration.@Louis-T, we understand that too much is going on in your life to handle. I pray the almighty to give you strength and courage to face the tough situations and get out from them. I completely agree that it is easy to advocate others than facing oneself.. My prayers are with you
Thanks. Unfortunately I don't really have much left in my faith. I spent 12yrs teaching Sunday School as an unpaid volunteer, 17yrs playing multiple instruments and sang in my church choir as a volunteer, donated countless amounts of money to charities, international and domestic, even built a library in Africa and shipped 110 boxes of books to several schools. What do I get now? chronic pains daily and shunned by all. I've lost my faith in prayers.
Louis, your mind and body are responding in a perfectly normal way to stress, your problem is very common.
The stomach is the most 'sympathetic' organ in the body to mental stress and anxiety. They are closely related and I would respectfully suggest that your GI and irritable bowel problems are symptoms of anxiety. When you overcome your anxiety the stomach problems will resolve.
Something in your life has started the anxiety ball rolling: this may be overwork, disappointment, loss, betrayal, grief, a job you hate and toxic relationships. This has caused so much stress that your nervous system becomes over sensitised and in this state it starts to complain sending us such symptoms as health anxiety, derealisation, agoraphobia, fear of premature death etc.
The first thing to do is to confront this cause and overcome it, this may mean you acting ruthlessly to free yourself from that which distresses you.
However, the original cause may have resolved some time ago. But the vicious circle you mention can continue to self perpetuate. Symptoms cause more anxiety and fear causing more symptoms causing more anxiety and fear.
The time has come to break the vicious circle. This you can do by doing the very opposite of what you have been doing until now.
Stop fighting your anxiety. Fighting only causes more stress and strain, the last things you need.
Stop adding second fear to the flash of first fear. You now know you have a common illness that cannot disable you, kill you or send you crazy so no need to add more fear when anxious feelings strike causing too much cortisol and adrenaline (anxiety hormones) to be produced causing further sentsitisation of your nervous system.
Most important, accept all your bad feelings for the meantime, let them come, surrender to them, do not resist. Cultivate a state of mind based on acceptance rather than reacting with further stress when symptoms come.
Continue to accept and you break the vicious circle because you are not feeding it with fear.
Finally, let time pass: don't keep testing yourself every 5 minutes to see if the symptoms have gone, that's not acceptance.
Eventually, your nerves lose their over sensitivity, the stomach pains yield and you regain your quiet mind.
This, then, is the way forward: temporary Acceptance will allow you to recover no matter how long or how deeply you have suffered.
Thanks for your recommendation and kind words, Jeff. Unfortunately my challenges are coming from multiple directions that make it hard to battle. Just when I'm getting one under control, the others ones pull me and it's a daily struggle. Perhaps we can go into more detail later. I do hear you and you make valid points, similar to what my therapists have mentioned in the past, right until they couldn't handle all my issues and had to let me go and toss me like a hot potato to the next person...
Thanks. I've been through some week-long mindfulness and meditation training programs. They only help me mentally, temporarily, though my pains are still there during and after. I'll try to go back to it, but it's impossible to ignore the pain through that meditation process.
Hello LouisFirst of all welcome! I have a similar experience, strong abdominal pain, unfortunately every day 24/7. I probably get like 10 days of relief a year. I have gotten all sorts of tests. Everything comes back normal. Been diagnose with FD. Its just horrible to live with this pain because nothing takes it away. I have to be extra vigilant with what I eat, stress levels, drink. I have a good life, its just my mind is always very anxious. Wish I could give you a solution but I have not found one. The one thing I have notice a change is to eat small meals, doesnt take the pain away but it lessens it. However, i’ve lost weight too 😕. Let me know if you have any tips for me.
Sorry to hear of your similar experience, Blue. FD is no fun either. The small meals do help, and taking out spicy foods, sugars, gluten, that might help as well. Perhaps you can consult with a holistic doctor or a dietician. Do you seek therapy for your anxiety? I've also heard people recommend meditation, mindfulness, breathing techniques. Those haven't worked for me since my issues are more on the chronic health side, than anxiety but they usually help with people with major anxiety. Best of luck!
Hi Louis-T. I’m sorry you are spiraling right now in the chronic pain mental health cycle right now. I can relate to black families not understanding, supporting or even having an ounce of empathy for issues they can’t see on you because we have invisible conditions or disabilities. I have been called crazy by one of my brothers and one of my sons.
My family believes that God is the only solution for all our problems. The next logical thought (you would think) is that God allowed us to discover science, doctors, psychiatrists, therapists and homeopathic and alternative medicines and our families should believe and support us. Culturally, we get called crazy, whiny and psychosomatic attention seeking people. There is a huge difference between true faith and the kindness that should accompany it and what most Black folk call religion. Compassion is lacking in our Black Christian churches in America. I have learned to accept prayers on my behalf, but I no longer discuss my symptoms due to the stigma that is associated with mental health.
That was a mouthful. My physical conditions are chronic and degenerative so I have flare ups of extreme pain in the pelvis, tailbone, lower back, plus muscle spasms. My mental conditions wait until the flare ups end to rear their ugly heads like a multi-headed Hydra of depression, anxiety, guilt, grief, ADHD, PTSD, sensory processing disorders and low self-esteem. All of the above are real diagnosed conditions that require occasional hospitalization and medication changes to fit your particular body chemistry. Did your GI issues get worse when you started you antidepressant. Some antidepressants can cause GI issues. I have a friend with similar issues who had horrible stomach side effects to Zoloft. Some antidepressants and pain meds also cause suicidal ideation. Prozac did that to me and my psychiatrist immediately took me off of it.
So, I’ve commiserated with you. I’m a 51 year old disabled black woman from Ohio, who has been beaten, assaulted, abused, lost and regained her 3 children, lost my family business, building and house during my divorce, but now I have my fourth child and I’m in graduate school while I deal with new thyroid issues and hormones fluctuations due to peri menopause. I became severely lactose intolerant at 16. My white doctors were unfamiliar with lactose intolerance and told me to avoid milk. Well, easier said than done. Dairy is in almost everything in the US, so I read labels looking for milk, butter, cheese, lactose and whey. The side effects vary from immediate expulsion, mild gas to excruciating lower bowel cramping.
It seems like we’ve got some similarities, (the longest, most contentious divorce in Ohio) but the important thing besides learning to accept the disabilities is to get an amazing support team to help you on your journey toward wellness. Keep looking for kind, supportive psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, therapists who deal specifically with long term illnesses, peer support, parent support, and a gastroenterologist with knowledge of psychiatric medications and drug interactions.
Did you know that steroids shut off your psych meds and can cause major depressive episodes. Drinking alcohol and taking gabapentin can have the same effect. Get a pharmacist to review your medication to see if any of them are contributing to your suicidal ideation. Ask each of your doctors to consult with your other doctors so they don’t undo the work of each other.
Perhaps your insurance includes a case manager/social worker can help coordinate your care and services. Learn to advocate for yourself if you’re not already doing that. Get a hobby so you can take your mind off the often overwhelming issues. Take a dance class, start painting, do ceramics, start a garden. I dig holes to create self composting mound gardens. I also do yoga to maintain my strength in the areas that do not flare up in pain. Meditation doesn’t work for me without someone else present guiding me. Even then, I’ve had little success. Some things work, some things bomb abysmally. I read at night to escape nightmares.
I don’t know if I’ve been helpful at all, but just know that there are many of us out there struggling to find our way to a level of functional wellness. I’ve had to learn to recognize when I need an hour delay, the morning off or the week off. Self care is hard but a huge part of better mental health.
I give you my empathy and support without judgement and hope you meet more of us on your path to wellness. Take good care.
I apologize for the delayed response. I do appreciate you taking the time to write such a long note. I'm so sorry to hear about your conditions. Hang in there. I've looked into all the side effects of my meds and doesn't appear they could be causing my increasing levels of pain. One med could possibly be the issue but the psychiatrist was convinced that it's not a problem. As it turns out my over eating of sweet potatoes could be causing it after I researched into it further.
I've been swamped by lots of stressors lately and i'm still struggling but I wanted to drop in to say thanks for sharing and taking the time. I just don't know how much I can get on this site. I really hate bother people, especially strangers I've never met.
Oh, I am sorry you are experiencing chronic pain, It really can be the worst thing, even when the reason is obvious, but hidden pain? People will sometimes be disbelieving.
I have chronic pain from Fibromyalgia, but it isn't visible, so gets overlooked, even, unfortunately by medical professionals, My PTSD is also invisible, but I get great sympathy for my gammy knee and my age!
People can't see you are screaming inside; I would love to swap bodies with them to let them experience the 'Inner Me!'
Thanks Midori. Sounds like you do understand what I'm going through. Chronic pains are challenging especially when other stressors are involved. So sorry to hear you're experiencing all those as well. All the best of luck.
We are here for you 💋.. My family doesn't get It either. I have talked to random people on the phone but yet to see a therapist... What has happened to me during the pandemic stirred up what I had under control for over 20 plus years
Thanks for your kind welcoming words. I hope you find a therapist soon and hopefully your family will come around. Glad that you do have some friends to talk to.
I have had crohn's since I was 12.. Off and on remission.. There are also support groups for this. I don't recall the name of my group off hand.. It is a good idea to see a gi specialist.
Sorry to hear about your Crohn's. I do have a GI specialist. I've done several tests in the past and recently and we've found 6 GI issues, in addition to my other non-GI conditions. However, the pain seems to keep worsening and all the meds for my GI issues are not helping, hence my frustration and despair.
Medication has changed since I was diagnosed over 30 years ago.. It is a hit and miss some times.. I am on mycrohn' it's a great site for gi support group 😁
Hi and welcome I have chonic pain every day due to anxiety symptoms the more U worry about it the more intense anxiety is a fear of the fear everytime you have and then say I hate this your signalling danger to your brain so keeps on try live a normal life with the symptoms and that's when they slowly I mean slowly it can take months for your brain to change the habit until they disappear try watching wonderbro or shann Kassam tube I have had mine six years non-stop since I have really been doing the acceptance method properly from last year they are not as intense but it takes time and that was my mistake I would say I've been doing this for weeks and why aren't the symptoms going so then more danger signals hope this helps
What pain a re you experiencing? I have chronic pain in my stomach. Doctors say its because of anxiety but ohh man does it hurt at times. I exhibit no other pain besides some occasional belching. Its a horrible way to live everyday. Have the videos worked?
Hi Louis. Welcome. You are not alone. This will be a bit long but I feel confident you’ll get something out of my reply here. I’m a very rationally-oriented person, in that I don’t believe in “thoughts and prayers”, scientifically unproven theories and causes and treatments, etc. Meditation or relaxation exercises may help some cope a little better with mild symptoms of physical illnesses but, will not treat, in the least, a physical illness. I believe in Science, data and peer reviewed research, my own educated guesses based on experience and research, etc.. I believe there’s likely medical issues going on that may be causing all or most of your symptoms.
I, for one, unfortunately, can relate very well to your experiences in terms of : living with multiple diagnoses physical and mental health issues including chronic back pain, Sleep Apnea, PLMD (Periodic Limb Movement Disorder), GERD and ulcer (both under control with proton-pump inhibitor), anxiety, bruxism (teeth grinding), Major Depression and chronic opioid use (for back) ; the hubris, minimization and “passing of the buck” of doctors and mental health providers and; the hurt from the lack of patience, trust, understanding and caring from professionals we put our trust and hope in and/or from your social / family circle that we would expect a more compassionate response from. It hurts and is distressing.
I want address your medical and mental health issues (below) but feel I need to address these other issues you’ve mentioned first.
In my experience, the last issue above is pretty common and can be a negative feedback loop in which the less we feel heard, trusted, understood and cared for, the more we (me at least) feel we need to “prove” and explain that what we are experiencing is “real” and deserving of their time, energy and caring. When we continue to seek support again (a natural response for anyone in our position), people, especially hubristic providers, tend to get defensive, minimize or dismiss our complaints and, with you, get mock us, which is disgusting (you don’t need people like that in your life). Some of this I believe is the result our current culture of individualism, an overstressed population in general, the pressure on doctors/providers to make their “quota” of patients, separated families by politics, distance, racial / cultural differences, etc..
Acknowledging these factors that are out of our control can at least help us break the cycle by trying to understand where our desired supports are with their lives and maybe with that knowledge, lessen how personally we takethe lack of responsiveness e.g.) the person(s) who mock you are likely like that in general, with other people, emotionally and/or mentally retarded to some degree and not worth your time; doctors who give up on you won’t tell us but, are likely negatively responding to the fact that our issues are too complex given their education or are so time crunched at their facility that they don’t have the time for a complex case, etc).
The advice I will give here is to identify 1-2 people who seem at least interested in what is going on with your life/health and, assertively, explain that you feel lonely and unsupported and need someone to talk to about it on a regular basis, someone to understand and believe you that your health complaints are “real” (whether mentally or physically based, it’s still real!). Can they be that person? If not, try another (and keep posting here!)
All this can lead to feelings of rejection, social isolation, frustration, anxiety, depression, resentment and anger, guilt, hopelessness, etc. I’m not saying here that this is what is causing your symptoms but these experiences and feelings certainly don’t help matters whether your symptoms are mental or physical in origin . Many mental health conditions are the result of physical illness e.g.) untreated or poorly managed sleep apnea can certainly lead to sleep deprivation which has symptoms of anxiety, headaches, lethargy, poor appetite, depression, irritability, suicidal ideations, etc.. You’ll now see below that I have a theory of what may be going on with your health based on some brief research I did based on the info in your profile and responses to other comments.
I believe you could have Opioid-Induced Bowel Dysfunction, depending on whether it matches with other details of your medical history. But, based on what I know now, it certainly looks like a good match. And, keep in mind, many side-effects of medications do not necessarily go away when you stop a medication. Some can take a long time to resolve, if ever. I’m living proof! Below are quotes from 2 articles I read on this disorder.
1) Opioid induced Bowel Dysfunction - International Journal of Clinical Skills
2) The impact of opioid analgesics on the gastrointestinal tract function and the current management possibilities - NCBI > PMC
:Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction (OIBD) comprises gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, gastro-oesophageal reflux, delayed digestion, abdominal pain, bloating, hard stool and incomplete evacuation that significantly deteriorate patients’ quality of life and compliance.”
“The OIBD comprises several symptoms including constipation, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, gastro-oesophageal reflux, delayed digestion, abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, hard stool, straining during bowel movement and incomplete evacuation.”
“As a result, as shown in [8], opioid administration can cause GI motility dysfunction, reduced GI secretion and increased absorption, and GI sphincter dysfunction. These synergistic effects may interact and impact one another in a complicated interaction, all of which contribute to OIBD’s multifarious symptomatology.”
“OIBD and OIC are under-diagnosed but common and debilitating opioid-related side effects”
“Abdominal pain is a commonly reported symptom of [OIBD], and it is often described as spasmodic, convulsive, and severe…..the psychological anxiety of constipation can lead to anorexia because patients avoid re-filling their bowels in order to avoid further OIC. Furthermore, these patients frequently experience stress and exhaustion
As a result, it has been demonstrated in other patients that during periods of constipation [or abdominal discomfort], quality of life suffers as a result of damaged optimism, depleted energy, overall well-being, and negative emotions leading to worry or even a sense of desperation
“As a result, as shown in [8], opioid administration can causeGI motility dysfunction, reduced GI secretion and increased absorption, and GI sphincter dysfunction. These synergistic effects may interact and impact one another in a complicated interaction, all of which contribute to OIBD’s multifarious symptomatology…Abdominal pain is a commonly reported symptom of [OIBD]….the psychological anxiety of constipation can lead to anorexia because patients avoid re-filling their bowels in order to avoid further [OIBD]….In a brief interview study of constipated older women in Sweden, patients eventually reported themselves as being alone, tortured or freed, depending on the status of the intestine. As a result, they felt mostly ignored by the healthcare system, which exacerbated their stress and worry.”
Another possibility: I also read an article that stated that Diverticulosis can be caused by constipation. The hard pushing necessary to have a bowel movement is theorized to create “pockets” in the intestine leading to an increased chance of infection in these pockets.
The last issue that could be involved is your, what sounds like, poorly managed Sleep Apnea. As I have sleep apnea myself, the difference between using the CPAP machine regularly /nightly and having it set to the right pressure to reduce apnea events vs not, is unbelievable. I feel less anxious. My pain is not as bad. My mood is improved. My advice is to get an APAP machine vs a CPAP. The former has a pressure range (say, 9-13) vs a single pressure. If you are still having obstructive events, the pressure likely needs to be increased. In addition, forcing yourself to sleep on your side is very, very helpful. I wear a backpack so I can’t sleep on my back.
Well, that was a long one. Hope you hung in there and it was useful.
I feel morally obligated to say something about your suicidal ideations. I encourage you to think about a few things:
- if OIBD is something that doesn’t’ the fit your situation but you weren’t aware of it before, please consider that there may be something else out there that does. Don’t give up looking.
- it cliche” maybe but it’s true…I’ve lived it - Suicide is a long-term solution to temporary problem. Have hope that one day you will find the right treatment(s). It may be tomorrow, next week, month or year….but it will arrive sometime and you’ll be so happy you hung in there.
- no one can replace a father. They need you now and they will need you in life. Things are complicated now but whatever the outcome, it’s temporary. In worst case scenario, when they turn 18, they’ll be able to decide how often they want to see you. In the worst times, remember that that day will come. Be ready for it. Live for it.
Hi Louis, I am sorry to read that family & friends have treated you as you have explained. I have anxiety/depression. Have you ever tried mindfulness? I don’t think it will take away your pain, but I think it might be helpful. Welcome to the group!
Louis-T look over this information about the vagus nerve and the brain in your search for managing anxiety, depression, GI issues and more. Thiamine is a component needed for their function but is often at a deficiency as anti thiamine factors diminish thiamine. See the stuttersense attachment. The thiamine forms sulbutiamine and TTFD are efficient passing through the blood/brain barrier. The last attachment offers a good visual of the vagus nerve in the gut and explains thiamine's role in digestion. At the bottom of the article going past Recommended Resources you'll find three additional articles pertinent to you. Magnesium is a component needed to convert thiamine to it's active form. It too is often found to be deficient in the diet. Search on "krispin magnesium" calculation for daily needs. Magnesium L-threonate is a form that can pass the blood brain barrier and can be included with other forms in calculating daily elemental magnesium needs. Boron increases magnesium absorption. Search on "nothing boring about boron" for more info. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.
I can sure empathize with you Mr Louis. I may not have GI issues but I do have issues with my thyroid. And for the past almost 3 years now it has been a real struggle trying to find somebody who would take my feelings, issues with medication seriously. I'm not myself anymore. There was a time where I was a fully functioning adult to some degree lol. Now it seems I have reverted back to a dependent. And I hate that. My therapist tells me that it's possible the new stressors in my life have caused my setback with anxiety. I however disagree. I was handling stress just fine. Like in 2019 my mother broke her ankle. I was going to visit her every day at the hospital no problem at all. I even drove my sister which by the way I have issues driving. But I managed to drive her almost halfway to Austin and I did just fine. In 2020 my mom was in a car accident she was t-boned. I went every day to visit her. And still took my boyfriend to his job. I was handling things. But ever since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Well shoot even then I was still handling things. But they upgraded my dosage and now I'm a shell of my former self. I'm riddled with anxiety everyday. I'm using self-health books, self-work books and even listening to self-help apps. Nothing seems to be happening. I feel as if I'll never get back to being me. I'm stuck this way. And it is oh so depressing. So I know how you feel. Even that part about God. By no means I don't claim to be a theologian I don't know who or what God is exactly. I do question whether or not he does exist. I mean I tried to live my life right. I apologize to people I've done wrong. I wish the well being for people who have done me wrong. If he does exist why does he spite me? I'll never get the answer to that. I hope your issues will someday get solved and you'll be able to enjoy life again. It's hard living with pain that people don't see. It's hard having an invisible illness. All the best to you and if you want to chat you can DM me ❤️
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