I have anxiety and depression. None of my family or friends have serious mental health issues so they don’t really understand what I’m going through. Some of my friends even treat me like I’m not human because of my anxiety and depression. Others just don’t care. I feel like there’s nothing left to live for.
no one cares : I have anxiety and... - Anxiety and Depre...
no one cares

Lots of people have. But joining support group will help you learn how others cope and we care about you. Please keep posting and share with us your journey. We need you and you may need us it is worthwhile perusing
HopelessPenny, Vonus is right in that joining this community will help you be
with others going through the same thing. The general public whether family or
friends who've never know anxiety/depression can't possible understand something
they can't see. That's just the way it is but it is no reason to give up on life.
We're here for you so you won't feel so alone. These feelings don't have to be
forever. Let us walk the walk with you and do this for Penny and no one else.
We care. I'm glad you are with us. xx
It's an unfortunate reality for all of us here I think.... only others that suffer the same understand mental illness and mental injury or trauma. Sometimes I think because some family and friends don't....they just don't understand, or don't want to, and sadly yes, some are more caught up in their own stuff to really care about others stuff. You can share here with others who do get what it feels like to be alone ... then your not alone.
Ah hell, I am so sorry HopelessPenny. I don't know if people can understand if they have never experienced it... Are you going to therapy? At the very least there you should feel validated. Again, I am so sorry, I think that if you outwardly don't experience symptoms people just don't see anything at all wrong. I don't know how seemingly many of the severely depressed people out there can participate in life so well. When I am down I eat crap until I fall asleep, go to work, and repeat the process. If it is the weekend I don't get up... There is hope though, you put in the work into changing how you think you can have peace and the desire to do stuff again. It is possible, you got this☮️
I am so sorry. I understand what you are saying. My own family don't understand either. I wish I knew more of what to say but you are not alone. We, at least do care and are here the best we can be. Hugs.
I know personally how frustrating that can be. My Mom kind of understands, but my Dad doesn't. He seems to think that my Olanzipine should be a magical fix and I should be better by now, which, as well all know, just isn't possible. My Dad doesn't understand that the simplest things in life can be hard with someone like me who has schizoaffective disorder and agoraphobia (fear of going out of the house too much). Some days I can hardly even go out long enough to get the mail and that is just across the street. It may seem ridiculous to some people, but I have lots of bad days, especially lately. I even lose lots of sleep over my bad anxiety issues. It is so frustrating to be around people who just don't get it.
You are not alone, even when you feel hopeless, you. are. not. alone. I promise you I have met so many people just like us who struggle with these problems and we're all the same. Please don't give up, you belong, you are loved, and you are needed.
Thank you everyone, it’s nice to know I have people who care and understand what I’m going through. And, to answer your question LoveForAll41, I have signed up for therapy and my first appointment is Friday this week.
It's so hard when others don't understand what we're going through. This is a good group for support and understanding.
Yes we are all here for you. No one is ever alone, God is always with us. I know I have my days too. Just remember this too will pass. Talking really does help. I am currently in CBT. One small step at a time. I will pray for you.