Hello, I am 58 and suffer from chronic pain and a very long list of other problems but for a few years anxiety my anxiety has become paralyzing. I was not sharing my feelings with anyone and then recently I was diagnosed with adult ADHD, for the second time. It was to late to help because my emotions were running amuck. I was not able to keep my anxiety, fear, anger under control and they had spun so far out of control I could not think, I could not see straight, I was not able to be helped because not one person knew my situation.. It led to all these emotions to go off like a nuclear bomb...I lost all control and did something really horrible that I will always regret. I am lucky I didn't hurt someone or myself. I knew immediatelty this situation is not fixable and beyond bad, as I cried I couldn't believe what my life has come to. I decided on the spot I needed to make some changes and I realized I needed help because this is not working and this is not living. I have opened up to my friends and family. Just talking about my experiences is helping. I have reached out for help, I am asking for help and support here. I promised myself to never hold anything back and be completely honest because if my Doctor or friends and family don't know I need help...how can they understand or help me, they can't. From here on out I will be an open book, faults and all and not feel bad about myself or feel less of a person.
First Post, Anxiety, ADHD, Chronic Pa... - Anxiety and Depre...
First Post, Anxiety, ADHD, Chronic Pain...Here for help, support...I am reaching out

Formula1fan, Welcome to a caring support group. I'm glad you are here with us.
For whatever reason it took for you to reach out for help. you took that first and most
important step forward in healing.
Talk to us new friend, we are here to help each other. xx
Agora1...Hey you win a prize for being the first one to reach out to me! I will send your prize to the moderator.
I am here because after suffering in silence for years because I didn't want to burden others so...when things got bad I felt somewhat embarressed so I didn't tell anyone out of fear, well then things spiraled completely out of control and my emotions exploded which put me in a really horrible situation that is not fixable, I regret it so much. I decided if I don't get some help I will destroy myself and my life because this is not sustainable so I started making changes, first by talking ...I wish I had done this years ago.
So here I am, ready to talk to people that will understand what I have experienced and at the end of the day maybe I can help someone
Good for you for reaching out and getting help.
I've tended to do the same, to suffer in silence and not want to burden others. That doesn't help.
I think you will find that you are are in very good company here os this forum. We all are struggling with our lives...in fact I wish most people I know would open up about how they are struggling rather than hiding from others how they are truely feeling. If we all did that we would have a much more caring society instead of one that promises happiness, and we know those promises are empty. Becoming "real" with your existence and sharing that truely with others is a sign of adult maturity. If you happen into a crowd of run into someone who is insensitive, there is no reason to hang around them. Your true friends will be there for you, the rest you do not need. Best of luck on your new journey of being your authentic "self".
Hi Formula1fan,Thank you for your post.
This is your place now where you will find support and understanding from other wounded healers.
The biggest words in my mental health dictionary are "guilt" and "shame". These small words had held me back for so long, like a gatekeeper, stopping access to the help I needed.
I feel you have knocked over your gatekeeper with courage and honesty to make sure your mental health receives the attention it deserves. Congratulations 👏 🐈⬛
I really appreciate that my friend, I wish I had come to that realization sooner in life...I didn't so I can focus on three things now 1) Try to helps others not suffer in silence, advise people to talk to someone and reveal what they are experiencing 2) do what I can from this day forward to improve myself 3) NEVER be ashamed or embarrassed again, especially by something that is not my fault...people that know and love me do so faults (it is a long list) and all which is comforting
I think you should get tested for fibromyalgia
Thank you..good call, I take a High dose of Lyrica (Pregabalin) for Fibromyalgia