Hi guys.. I have something that is eating away at me for months now and I can't talk to the one person who I wanna talk to because its about them. One of my best friends (we'll call her Blue) has been my best friend for the past 5 years. We have been very close and we rarely argue so we get along pretty great. We tell each other everything ( she was the first person I told about my sexual assault). These past couple of months, we have been talking about our mental health and we even started looking for therapist and psychiatrist around the same time (she hasn't been diagnosed yet). We live in a dorm together and she has the habit of leaving the dorm room for a week sometimes more and this sucks because I have real bad abandonment issues. Now I know this isn't her fault but I expressed to her why I don't like when she leaves and that if she feels the need to leave, then she could at least call me or text me. She doesn't. She says that she doesn't like to text, which is understandable but calling would be nice. I feel like the only time she text me is when she needs something or when she has a question about something but if I don't reach out to her first then I won't hear from her. The reason I am writing this is because we roomed together again this year and she has been gone for about a week now, she left last weekend. I have been texting her but she takes hours to respond back and when we FaceTime, she rarely speaks to me on the phone. She'll turn her volume down on whatever we are FaceTiming on and she'll talk to her sisters instead. I can't help to feel like an irritant to her or burden to her. I feel like maybe I am pushing her away from because she has been really distant these past few weeks but the only thing I am trying to do is to keep her close. She saids that she has abandonment issues as well and that she tends to push people away but I am constantly telling her that I am not leaving. I cherish my friendships too much to leave. I wanna talk to her about it but she gets really defensive and I am afraid that she talk to her sisters or her internet friends about me. Another thing is I feel like she treats me differently then how she treats her other friends (in person and on the internet). She's not monotone and she actually have convos with them. An example would be yesterday, I created a group chat with me, my best friend and two our our mutual friends (we'll call them Nancy and Drew). One of our mutual friends, Drew, told us she had some bad news and as we were comforting her, Blue was like if you need anything you can call me anytime or you can come to my house if you need extra comfort. Now I understand that she was comforting our mutual friend but I couldn't help but feel like if I was in the same situation, she wouldn't do the same. Later on that day, I told the girls that we could have a group FaceTime call when I got off of work. I had an hour before my therapist appointment and I just wanted to make sure Drew was okay. Everyone but the Drew agreed (she didn't disagree, she just never responded, which was understandable) but everyone else was on board. Nancy agreed to the face time said yes but to wait until she gets home. So, I decided to call Blue before my appointment and when she answered the phone she said nothing. Not hello, hey, hi, just nothing. The energy was already off so I felt uncomfortable. The time was getting close to my appointment so I told her that I would call her back because I had an appointment (she didn't know about this particular appointment). So when my appointment ended, of course I was excited to tell everyone but the Nancy never texted me back so I just called Blue back like i said I would. She never mentioned my appointment and like always she turned the volume down on her phone so she couldn't hear me. About 20 minutes into the phone call, she finally asked what appointment I had. Im thinking okay she's interested.. ya know? She wants to know how it went so I get excited. I tell her that it was a therapist appointment and she was like oh. Like I mentioned before, she is also monotone and has short responses so a lot of the times if we are talking, I'll get the feeling that she is uninterested in what I am saying unless it's something that she's interested in. So I tried to talk about it with her but she just ignored me and started talking to her sisters again. It was devastating because I was really excited. I have plenty more stories about her where she made me feel ignored or made me feel like she doesn't want to be friends with me but I'll save just because this post is already long enough haha. I just wanna have a calm conversation about it but knowing her, she'll probably make it a big deal :(. I also hate confrontation so that also hinders me from talking to her. I've talked to another friend about this but he just tells me to stop being friends with her if she's hurting me this much. I don't listen because I don't want to stop being her friend I need help.
Sorry that this is so long, this is just something that has been bothering me and I need different opinions on the situation<3