Hi! I don't even know if someone is going to read this but I just need to talk.
When I was 16 I had a group of friends, we were 3 girls and we were best friends! One day a new girl came to school and she was always alone so we invited her to be with us, to be our friend.
This girl looked like a nice person but she was trying to make us stop being friends, she started making up stories about each others...she once trash talk me to one of my best friends, but she never believed her, none of us did and we stop being with her, but that was enough to make me go into depression, people never trash talk me...actually never notice me so they never talk about me, it doenst matter if it's good or bad.
That girl never try to reach to me and make things better, but she always tried with my friends. I never understood that but it's fine.
Now 4 years later that girl and her new best friend make an instagram live and trash talk me and I don't even talk to them anymore, I didn't do anything to anyone...I dont understand why they are doing this.
I know that this sounds stupid that I still care about these things, specially when it comes to that girl, but why keep doing this, why can't she move on and let me live my life.
I'm so tired of her and the trash talking.