When I had to move cross-country to help take care of an elderly family member, I had to leave my SO. We agreed to stay friends. As she's now moved on romantically and I haven't, this has proven to be agony for me. I still love her but she's move on and she's happy now. I'm still not over her and I don't know if I ever will be, she was one of the only people in my life that made me feel good about myself. It's been half a year now and I'm still a mess.
I opened up to her in ways I can't even do with my family, like a lot of people with depression I don't want to make them worry. I miss so many things about our relationship, but one of the worst is just being able to talk to her and not feel judged or like a burden. I could be honest, I could relax. It was a huge relief and it came during a pretty rough period in my life.
This are pretty rough now too, and I miss her more than ever, but she's not talking to me so much anymore. We used to talk almost every day, now I get maybe a word or two over Discord, a week or more apart. I want to say something, just to get her to talk to me, even just hearing her voice, but I know she's out there living her life and dealing with her own stuff and probably even spending time with her new SO. I don't want to be the intrusive ex bugging her. As painful as it is to talk to her knowing she's happy with someone else, looking at the date on the last message I got from her get further and further away is worse.